Taking Account Of And Meeting The Need Of Individual Pupils
Fabulous Tots Philosophy | 5 |
learning and Development | 6 |
Communicating with Young Children/Parents | 7 |
Communication With Parents/Carer | 7 |
Partnership With Parents and Carers | 8 |
Equal Opportunities Policy | 10 |
Confidentiality And Whistleblowing | 11 |
EYFS Framework/Curriculum | 14 |
Observation, Assessment & Planning | 16 |
Record Keeping and Progress Reports | 17 |
Caring For And Settling Children | 18 |
Settling Children | 20 |
Outdoor Play | 21 |
Admission | 23 |
Home Visits | 24 |
Children’s Belongings | 24 |
Promoting Positive Behaviour | 24 |
When Children Behave in Unacceptable Ways | 26 |
Anti-Bully | 27 |
Safeguarding Children Policy | 28 |
Indication Of Child Abuse | 30 |
Recording Suspicions Of Abuse And Disclosures | 31 |
Physical Abuse | 31 |
Female Genital Mutilation | 32 |
Fabricated Illness | 32 |
Sexual Abuse | 32 |
Emotional Abuse | 33 |
Neglect | 34 |
Making A Referral | 35 |
Informing Parents | 36 |
Allegation Against Staff | 37 |
Communication Child Protection With Children | 37 |
Useful Telephone Numbers | 37 |
Child Protection | 38 |
Fabulous Tots Nursery Procedures | 38 |
Recognise When To Be Concerned | 38 |
Dealing With A Disclosure | 39 |
Record Keeping | 39 |
Support | 39 |
Allegations Involving Nursery Staff | 40 |
Behavioural Management Policy | 40 |
Bullying | 42 |
Informing parents | 43 |
Confidentiality | 43 |
Support to families | 43 |
Safer Recruitment of Staff | 44 |
Staffing and Volunteering | 45 |
Ongoing support and checks | 48 |
Staff training and development | 49 |
Students and volunteers | 51 |
Principles relating to the personnel | 52 |
Maternity leave policy | 52 |
Staff Breaks | 54 |
Arrivals and Departures | 54 |
Adults arriving under the influence of alcohol or drugs | 55 |
Arrivals and departures of visitors | 56 |
Late Collection and Non-Collection | 56 |
Mobile phone and social networking | 57 |
Parents and visitors use of mobile phones and social networking | 58 |
Staff attire and belongings | 59 |
Staff conduct | 59 |
Feeding babies/weaning | 60 |
Babies and Toddlers Policy | 60 |
Nutrition and mealtimes | 62 |
Food allergies | 64 |
Celebrations | 65 |
Rest times | 66 |
Personal Hygiene | 67 |
Nappy Changing Policy | 67 |
Disease control | 68 |
Guidance for caring for a sick child/informing parents/carers | 69 |
Periods of exclusion | 71 |
Medication | 71 |
Allergies | 73 |
Suncare | 73 |
Safety of premises | 74 |
Working alone /manual handling | 74 |
Safety of equipment | 75 |
Fire | 75 |
Emergency | 77 |
Accidents/first aid | 78 |
Environment | 79 |
Outings | 79 |
Lost children (Off site) | 82 |
Inclusion | 83 |
The Role of the Special Education Need Co-ordinator | 84 |
Working with external agencies | 86 |
Students Policy | 87 |
Taking Photographs Policy | 87 |
Privacy and Data Protection Policy | 88 |
Confidentiality Policy | 88 |
Complaints Policy & Procedure | 89 |
Purpose of Document | 90 |
Parental involvement policy | 91 |
Clothing | 91 |
Nursery fees for new applicants 2016/17 | 91 |
Placement policy | 92 |
Termination of child registration | 93 |
Staffing | 94 |
Confidentiality Policy | 95 |
Key person policy | 96 |
The role of the registering authority | 96 |
The parent/Carer questionaires | 98 |
As play is important to a child’s development and learning from an early age. It isn’t just physical. It can involve cognitive, imaginative, creative, emotional and social aspects. It is the main way most children express their impulse to explore experiment, understand and make sense of the world. Children of all ages play and they demonstrate the first hand experiences that they have in life.
We will ensure and do hope to achieve an understanding, trust and respect for the individual. This principle dictates how we treat each child, parent, carer and member of staff, regardless of their position, personal background or circumstances, as we seek to embrace the diversity that we are blessed with in our wider community. We will assist anyone who requires additional help, in order that they may achieve to their full potential, while never being condescending towards them.
An inclusive approach to children’s learning and development works on the principle that children have the right to be treated EQUALLY value or respected, to reach their full potential.
By using the principle that inclusion is a RIGHT for all children, FABULOUS TOTS NURSERY will ensure that during play, every child:
- Has an equal chance to participate, learn & develop
- Participates equally in group & play activities
- Is given the opportunity to communicate in their preferred format
- Has their individual needs known & met
- Has their developmental stage identified holistically (physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially, morally, culturally and spiritually), & adapting activities & the environment to suit these.
- Feels safe & know they belong
- Is valued as a unique individual & feels strong & confident about their identity.
We will strive to elevate and achieve attainable goals for all the children, helping them achieve using a set curriculum while letting them develop according to their own personalities and learning styles. Communication and openness are stressed at all times allowing everybody access to the knowledge they need in order to achieve all they can and best serve the needs of the children and other adults they work with. We will listen to all points of view and give a voice to those who are unable to speak for themselves through knowledge of the individual and careful observation. These opinions responded to constructively, are used as a basis for the continuing improvement of the care & education we provided. We recognise that developing professional, yet close personal relationships with each other helps us all work towards our common goal of helping the children grow into happy, loving and achieving young people.
- Communicating with young children/parents
- Partnership with Parents/Carers
- Confidentiality and Whistleblowing
- EYFS Framework/Curriculum
- Observations, assessment & Planning
- Record keeping and progress reports
- Caring and Settling children
- Outdoor Play
- Admission and Children’s Belongings
- Promoting Positive Behaviour
- Safeguarding children
- Recruitment and Vetting
- Arrival and Departure of Children
- Late collection and Non Collection
- Students and Volunteers
- Staff Training and Development
- Mobile Phone and Social Networking
- Staff belonging
- conduct
- Feeding Babies & Weaning
- Nutrition and Meal Times
- Celebrations
- Rest Time
- Personal Hygiene
- Nappy Changing
- Disease Control
- Periods of exclusion
- Medication
- Allergies
- Sun care
- Safety of Premises
- Working alone/manual handling
- Safety of Equipment
- Fire safety
- Emergency situation
- Accidents Incident/First Aid
- Environment
- Outings Lost/Child
- Inclusion
- Working with External Agencies
- Admissions procedure
- Registration and Inspection
- Complaints and Compliments
- Work/life balance
- Monitoring of Policies and Procedures
It is important for all adults to recognise the importance of listening to young children before trying to communicate their own views. Many children whether due to age, ability, background or temperament may require more time, patience and understanding for the adult to recognise what they are trying to communicate.
We must be aware of the various ways that children will try to communicate which include:
- Speaking in a language other than English.
- Non-verbal (body) language including facial expression.
- Sign language including Makaton. Behaviour & social interaction.
- Tips for effective communication:
- Get down to the child’s eye level. Speak 30% and listen 70% of the time.
- Give the child at least 10 seconds to think and respond.
- Do not interrupt or finish their sentence, as some children will give up.
We believe that the child’s nursery care and home life must be complimentary. Parents/Carers will be fully informed about their child’s care and will be welcomed as partners. Staff will ensure that Parents/Carers feel comfortable about approaching them for advice, information, and support regarding their child’s care at all times and we will use various ways of ensuring that Parents/Carers are fully informed about their child’s day. All information about the day care service will be made accessible to any Parents/Carers including those experiencing factors which makes receiving information by usual means ineffective.
The nursery has several methods for sharing information with parents:
- Photos and job titles of all staff concerned with the care of their children.
- Open door policy in person, by E mail or telephone.
- Monthly newsletters.
- Nursery website.
- Parents’ notice board and “what have we done today?” boards.
- Advance warning of forthcoming events and meetings, holiday closures or any other changes to opening or closing times.
- Information about the planning of activities being undertaken by children.
- Displays including daily routines & quarterly newsletters for each room.
- Weekly menus.
- Current Insurance and Ofsted Registration Certificates.
Each of children’s developmental records must be updated at least monthly, and are be available to parents in each room. Photographs, samples of work, observations etc. should be used to keep parents fully informed of the care and development of their child. Parents/carers are asked to attend Keyperson meetings every four months (six months for the over threes).
The purpose of the meetings are to enable Parents/Carers to talk in depth about their child’s progress and share knowledge about their overall development. These meetings are seen as vital, and Parents/Carers will be supported in attending by offering times which fit in with their working arrangements etc. Staff should make themselves available to speak to parents/carers when they arrive to drop off children or to pick them up. If this is inconvenient for parents/carers, or the adults involved with the placement have any issues to discuss, a time must be arranged as soon as possible for information to be shared. Parents/Carers should be encouraged to keep staff informed of any changes to their circumstances which may affect the care of their child. Staff should also inform Parents/Carers of any changes they observe in a child’s behaviour or appearance, in order for this to be a two way process.
At Fabulous Tots Nursery we believe that parents and staff need to work together in a close partnership in order for children to receive the quality of care and early learning to meet their individual needs. We welcome parents as partners and support a two-way sharing of information that helps establish trust and understanding. We are committed to supporting parents in an open and sensitive manner to include them as an integral part of the care and early learning team within the nursery.
The key person system supports engagement with all parents and will use strategies to ensure that all parents can contribute to their child’s learning and development. Parents contribute to initial assessments of children’s starting points on entry and they are kept well informed about their children’s progress. Parents are encouraged to support and share information about their children’s learning and development at home. The key person system ensures all practitioners use effective, targeted strategies and interventions to support learning that match most children’s individual needs.
Our policy is to:
- Recognise and support parents as their child’s first and most important educators and to welcome them into the life of the nursery
- Generate confidence and encourage parents to trust their own instincts and judgement regarding their own child
- Welcome all parents into the nursery at any time and provide an area where parents can speak confidentially with us as required.
- Welcome nursing mothers. The nursery will make available a private area whenever needed to offer space and privacy to nursing mothers
- Ensure nursery documentation and communications are provided in different formats to suit each parent’s needs, e.g. Braille, multi-lingual, electronic communications
- Ensure that all parents are aware of the nursery’s policies and procedures. A detailed parent prospectus will be provided and our full policy documents will be available to parents at all times in the Parents Handbook.
- Maintain regular contact with parents to help us to build a secure and beneficial working relationship for their children
- Support parents in their own continuing education and personal development including helping them to develop their parenting skills and inform them of relevant conferences, workshops and training
- Create opportunities for parents to talk to other adults in a secure and supportive environment through such activities as open days, parents’ evenings and a parents’ forum
- Inform parents about the range and type of activities and experiences provided for children, the daily routines of the setting, the types of food and drinks provided for children and events through regularly disseminate on the Parent Noticeboard.
- Operate a key person system to enable parents to establish a close working relationship with a named practitioner and to support two-way information sharing about each child’s individual needs both in nursery and at home. Parents are given the name of the key person of their child and their role when the child starts
- Inform parents on a regular basis about their child’s progress and involve them in shared record keeping. Parents’ evenings will be held at least twice a year. The nursery will consult with parents about the times of meetings to avoid excluding anyone
- Actively encourage parents to contribute to children’s learning through sharing observations, interests and experiences from home. This may be verbally, sharing photographs or in written form
- Agree the best communication method with parents e.g. email, face-to-face, telephone and share information about the child’s day, e.g. food eaten, activities, sleep times etc.
- Consider and discuss all suggestions from parents concerning the care and early learning of their child and nursery operation
- Provide opportunities and support for all parents to contribute their own skills, knowledge and interests to the activities of the nursery including signposting to relevant services, agencies and training opportunities
- Inform all parents of the systems for registering queries, compliments, complaints or suggestions, and to check that these systems are understood by parents
- Make sure all parents have access to our written complaints procedure
- Share information about the Early Years Foundation Stage, young children’s learning in the nursery, how parents can further support learning at home and where they can access further information
- Provide a written contract between the parent(s) and the nursery regarding conditions of acceptance and arrangements for payment
- Respect the family’s religious and cultural backgrounds and beliefs and accommodate any special requirements wherever possible and practical to do so
- Inform parents how the nursery supports children with special educational needs and disabilities
- Find out the needs and expectations of parents. We will do this through regular feedback via questionnaires, suggestion system and encouraging parents to review working practices. We will evaluate any responses and publish these for parents with an action plan to inform future, policy and staff development.
At Fabulous Tots Day Nursery we recognise our responsibilities under the Race Relations Act, The Sex Discriminations Act and the Disability Discrimination Act to eliminate discrimination and to promote good relations between children, staff, parents and the local community. The promotion of equal opportunities is the responsibility of the whole Nursery and must be reflected throughout the organisation of the Nursery and is addressed in the EYFS curriculum and in areas beyond the curriculum.
Regulations relating to this policy
The regulations informing the Nursery’s policy on equality and diversity are as follows:
- Race Relations Act 1976
- Race Relations Amendment Act 2000
- Sex Discrimination Act 1986
- Children’s Act 1989
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001
- Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006
At Fabulous Tots Nursery we recognise that we hold sensitive/confidential information about children and their families and the staff we employ. This information is used to meet children’s needs, for registers, invoices and emergency contacts. We store all records in a locked cabinet or on the office computer with files that are password protected in line with data protection principles. Any information shared with the staff team is done on a ‘need to know’ basis and treated in confidence.
Legal requirements
- We follow the legal requirements set out in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) March 2014 and accompanying regulations about the information we must hold about registered children and their families and the staff working at the nursery.
- We follow the requirements of the Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000 with regard to the storage of data and access to it.
It is our intention to respect the privacy of children and their families and we do so by:
- Storing confidential records in a locked filing cabinet or on the office computer with files that are password protected
- Ensuring staff, student and volunteer inductions include an awareness of the importance of confidentiality and that information about the child and family is not shared outside of the nursery other than with relevant professionals who need to know that information. It is not shared with friends and family, discussions on the bus or at the local bar. If staff breaches any confidentiality provisions, this may result in disciplinary action and, in serious cases, dismissal. Students on placement in the nursery are advised of our confidentiality policy and required to respect it
- Ensuring that all staff, volunteers and students are aware that this information is confidential and only for use within the nursery and to support the child’s best interests with parental permission
- Ensuring that parents have access to files and records of their own children but not to those of any other child, other than where relevant professionals such as the police or local authority children’s social care team decide this is not in the child’s best interest
- Ensuring all staff are aware that this information is confidential and only for use within the nursery setting. If any of this information is requested for whatever reason, the parent’s permission will always be sought other than in the circumstances above
- Ensuring staff do not discuss personal information given by parents with other members of staff, except where it affects planning for the child’s needs
- Ensuring staff, students and volunteers are aware of and follow our social networking policy in relation to confidentiality
- Ensuring issues concerning the employment of staff remain confidential to the people directly involved with making personnel decisions
- Ensuring any concerns/evidence relating to a child’s personal safety are kept in a secure, confidential file and are shared with as few people as possible on a ‘need-to-know’ basis. If, however, a child is considered at risk, our safeguarding/child protection policy will override confidentiality.
All the undertakings above are subject to the paramount commitment of the nursery, which is to the safety and well-being of the child.
Staff and volunteer information
- All information and records relating to staff will be kept confidentially in a locked cabinet
- Individual staff may request to see their own personal file at any time
We have an open access policy in relation to accessing information about the nursery and parents’ own children. This policy is subject to the laws relating to data protection and document retention.
Parents are welcome to view the policies and procedures of the nursery which govern the way in which the nursery operates. These may be viewed at any time when the nursery is open, simply by asking the nursery manager. The nursery manager or any other relevant staff member will also explain any policies and procedures to parents or use any other methods to make sure that parents understand these in line with the nursery’s communications policy.
Parents are also welcome to see and contribute to all the records that are kept on their child. However, we must adhere to data protection laws and, where relevant, any guidance from the relevant agencies for child protection.
As we hold personal information about staff and families, we are registered under data protection law with the Information Commissioner’s Office. A copy of the certificate can be viewed in the office The location of our data protection certificate is displayed on the noticeboard. Information is kept in a secure file in the office, which is only accessible by authorised staff. The office is kept locked when unoccupied.
All parent, child and staff information is stored securely according to the requirements of data protection registration including details, permissions, certificates and photographic images. The nursery will gain written consent for any use of photographic or video evidence. On initial registration with the nursery, written permission will be collected with the child profile form. If a specific photograph/video opportunity was arranged, additional permission must be obtained. We will ensure that staff understand the need to protect the privacy of the children in their care as well as the legal requirements that exist to ensure that information relating to the child is handled in a way that ensures confidentiality.
Legal framework
The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998, commonly referred to as the ‘Whistleblowing Act’, amended the Employment Rights Act 1996 to provide protection for employees who raise legitimate concerns about specified matters. These are called ‘qualifying disclosures’. On 25 June 2013, there were some legal changes to what constitutes a qualifying disclosure.
A qualifying disclosure is one made in the public interest by an employee who has a reasonable belief that:
- A criminal offence
- A miscarriage of justice
- An act creating risk to health and safety
- An act causing damage to the environment
- A breach of any other legal obligation or
- Concealment of any of the above
- Any other unethical conduct
- Is being, has been, or is likely to be, committed.
Qualifying disclosures made before 25 June 2013 must have been made ‘in good faith’ but when disclosed, did not necessarily have to have been made ‘in the public interest.’ Disclosures made after 25 June 2013 do not have to be made ‘in good faith’; however they must be made in the public interest. This is essential when assessing a disclosure made by an individual.
The Public Interest Disclosure Act has the following rules for making a protected disclosure:
- You must believe it to be substantially true
- You must not act maliciously or make false allegations
- You must not seek any personal gain.
It is not necessary for the employee to have proof that such an act is being, has been, or is likely to be, committed; a reasonable belief is sufficient.
Disclosure of information
If, in the course of your employment, you become aware of information which you reasonably believe indicates that a child is/may be or is likely to be in risk of danger and/or one or more of the following may be happening, you MUST use the nursery’s disclosure procedure set out below:
- That a criminal offence has been committed or is being committed or is likely to be committed.
- That a person has failed, is failing or is likely to fail to comply with any legal obligation to which they are subject (e.g. EYFS, Equalities Act 2010).
- That a miscarriage of justice has occurred, is occurring, or is likely to occur.
- That the health or safety of any individual has been, is being, or is likely to be endangered.
- That the environment, has been, is being, or is likely to be damaged.
- That information tending to show any of the above, has been, is being, or is likely to be deliberately concealed.
Disclosure procedure
If this information relates to child protection/safeguarding then the nursery *child protection/*safeguarding children policy should be followed, with particular reference to the staff and volunteering sectionWhere you reasonably believe one or more of the above circumstances listed above has occurred, you should promptly disclose this to your manager so that any appropriate action can be taken. If it is inappropriate to make such a disclosure to your manager (i.e. because it relates to your manager) you should speak to the Director Ms Falilat Akewushola
Employees will suffer no detriment of any sort for making such a disclosure in accordance with this procedure. For further guidance in the use of the disclosure procedure, employees should speak in confidence to the *nursery manager/*owner. Any disclosure or concerns raised will be treated seriously and will be dealt with in a consistent and confidential manner and will be followed through in a detailed and thorough manner
Any employee who is involved in victimising employees who make a disclosure, takes any action to deter employees from disclosing information or makes malicious allegations in bad faith will be subject to potential disciplinary action which may result in dismissal
Failure to report serious matters can also be investigated and potentially lead to disciplinary action which may result in dismissal
Any management employee who inappropriately deals with a whistleblowing issue (e.g. failing to react appropriately by not taking action in a timely manner or disclosing confidential information) may be deemed to have engaged in gross misconduct which could lead to dismissal
We give all of our staff the telephone numbers of the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), the local authority children’s social care team, the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) and Ofsted so all staff may contact them if they cannot talk to anyone internally about the issues/concerns observed.
At Fabulous Tots Nursery we implement the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) set by the Department for Education that sets standards to ensure all children learn and develop well. We support and enhance children’s learning and development holistically through play-based activities. We review all aspects of learning and development and ensure a flexible approach is maintained, which responds quickly to children’s learning and developmental needs. We develop tailor-made activities based on observations which inform future planning and draw on children’s needs and interests. This is promoted through a balance of adult-led and child-led activities both indoors and outdoors.
At Fabulous Tots Nursery the curriculum will:
- View all children as individuals with the right to be treated with equal respect to the adults around them. This includes the right to choose when they want to interact with their peers and carers.
- Provide a safe, caring, stimulating environment, with supportive adults offering a wide range of activities, experiences and materials.
- Give children the opportunity to choose activities and experiences, and to develop independence within the curriculum.
- Give children the opportunity and structure to build up positive meaningful experiences and relationships with peers and adults.
- Create a partnership with parents to support and enhance the development of children.
- Provide equal learning and development opportunities for all the children • Ensure that each child has positive experiences of success at his/her own level, in order to give him/her confidence and motivation for learning in the future
- Provide a balanced curriculum which takes account of, and responds to, the child’s developmental needs, and allows each child to make progress related to his/ her own abilities. The nursery does not routinely make use of a television, videos or DVDs as part of the children’s experience while they are with us, but they may be used occasionally with the older children if of educational value as long as this does not contravene any copy write law. Only suitable music, story tapes etc. will be played via a CD player or the radio.
For children whose home language is not English, we will take reasonable steps to:
- Provide opportunities for children to develop and use their home language in play and learning and support their language development at home; and
- Ensure that children have sufficient opportunities to learn and reach a good standard in English language during the EYFS, ensuring that children are ready to benefit from the opportunities available to them when they begin year 1.
Direct observation is supplemented by a range of other evidence to evaluate the impact that practitioners have on the progress children make in their learning, including: evidence of assessment that includes the progress of different groups of children:
- assessment on entry, including parental contributions
- two-year-old progress checks (where applicable)
- on-going (formative) assessments, including any parental contributions
- the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (where applicable) or any other summative assessment when children leave.
We ensure that the educational programmes are well planned and resourced to have depth and breadth across the seven areas of learning. They provide interesting and challenging experiences that meet the needs of all children. Planning is based on a secure knowledge and understanding of how to promote the learning and development of young children and what they can achieve.
Practitioners will continuously observe the children, record against the early learning goals as set out in the EYFS and respond appropriately.
Quality observation enables practitioners to:
- Get to know a child better & develop positive relationships with them and their parents/carers while sharing information that enables everyone’s full participation as partners in a child’s development.
- Further develop their understanding of a child’s development, and plan appropriate play & learning experiences based on the children’s interests and needs.
- Form a view of where each child is in their learning, where they need to go & the most effective practice to support them in getting there, identify any concerns about a child’s development. Good planning is the key to making children’s learning effective, exciting, varied & progressive. Through play, in a secure but challenging environment with effective adult support, children can learn by:
- Exploring new experiences that help them to make sense of the world.
- Develop a positive sense of self.
- Understand the need for rules.
- Think creatively, imaginatively, take risks and practice new skills.
- Communicate with others as they investigate or solve problems.
- Each week, staff will complete a focus activity for one of their key-children. Each child should have a focus observation for them completed at least every three months. Activities need to be suitable for the stage a child has met. Children need to be stretched but not pushed beyond their capabilities, so that they continue to enjoy learning. Babies and younger children will be given the opportunity to explore and discover the world around them, by offering them the opportunity to learn using all their senses. Natural materials will be used for Heuristic Play, and Treasure Baskets will be available in all rooms with children under eighteen months old. The nursery also has a sensory room and mobile sensory cube for the children to explore further with light, sound, smell and touch.
As well as continuous observation and assessment against the early learning goals which is available to parents/carers at all times, the keyperson will also prepare regular progress reports to share at meetings with them. These consist of:
- Settling in report: Six weeks after a child starts at the Nursery which will focus on how the child has settled in and identify their starting points for future development and achievement.
- Keyperson report: These will be completed every four months (six months in the case of the over threes) and will consist of the child’s development and achievements in this time. Once they have been shared with the parents/carers, next steps and any additional support needs will be recorded.
- Early years foundation stage progress check at age two: This will take the place of the first keyperson report due after a child’s second birthday. This report will focus on each of the three prime areas of the Early years foundation stage curriculum, but also include comments on the other areas of the curriculum and identify any areas that the keyperson and parents/carers believe that the child may require additional support in which will be then shared with the Nursery’s SENCO and outside agencies if required.
- School leavers report/Early years foundation stage profile: This will take the place of the child’s final keyperson report before they leave the Nursery for school (the EYFSP must be completed for any child who will be turning five prior to their departure), and will provide an overview of every area of the child’s development and any additional information that the keyperson and parent/carer feel required at the child’s new setting. All records including reports are passed on to the child’s new setting when they leave via the parent/carer.
We acknowledge parents as primary educators and encourage parental involvement as outlined in our Parents and Carers as Partners policy. We build strong home links in order to enhance and extend children’s learning both within the nursery environment and in the child’s home.
We share information about the EYFS curriculum with parents and signpost them to further support via the following websites:
At Fabulous Tots Nursery we care for children under the age of two and ensure their health, safety and well-being through the following:
- Children under the age of two have a separate base room and are cared for in small intimate groups. We ensure that younger children have opportunities to have contact with older children whilst at nursery
- At least half of the staff team caring for children under the age of two will have undertaken specific training for working with babies
- Care is taken to ensure that babies and toddlers do not have access to activities containing small pieces, which may be swallowed or otherwise injure the child
- The environment and equipment are checked daily before the children access the area. This includes checking the stability of cots and areas around, low/highchairs and ensuring restraints on these, pushchairs and prams are intact and working
- All doors are fitted with viewing panels and door finger-guards to ensure the safety of children
- Outdoor shoes are removed or covered when entering the baby and toddler area(s). Staff remind parents and visitors to adhere to this procedure
- Babies and toddlers have their nappies changed according to their individual needs and requirements by their key person wherever possible
- Information will be shared between parents and the key person about nappy changing and toilet training in a way that suits the child
- Potties are washed and disinfected after every use. Changing mats are wiped with anti-bacterial cleanser before and after every nappy change
- Each baby must have his/her own bedding which is washed at least weekly and when necessary
- Cot mattresses meet safety standards
- Children under two years are not be given pillows, cot bumpers or any soft furnishings in order to prevent risk of suffocation
- Children are not left to sleep in pushchairs or baby bouncers as their backs are not fully supported in this equipment whilst sleeping
- We follow all cot death prevention/safety guidelines and advise parents of this information. Babies are always laid to sleep on their back, with their feet touching the foot of the cot
- Sheets or thin blankets will come no higher than the baby’s shoulders, to prevent them wriggling under the covers. We make sure the covers are securely tucked in so they cannot slip over the baby’s head
- Children’s individual sleeping bags may be used in consultation with parents. These are washed at least weekly and when necessary
- Cots are checked before use to ensure no items are within reach i.e. hanging over or beside the cot (e.g. fly nets, cables)
- All low/highchairs used for feeding are fitted with restraints and these are used at all times. Children are never left unattended in high chairs. Restraints are removed and washed weekly or as needed
- No child is ever left unattended during nappy changing time
- Babies are never be left propped up with bottles as it is both dangerous and inappropriate
- Babies sleeping outside have cat/fly nets over their prams and prams must lie flat so children are supported
- Sleeping children are supervised at all times
- Checks on sleeping babies are completed every 10 minutes. This may increase to five minutes for younger babies and or new babies. Checks are documented with the time and staff initials on the sleep check form
- Staff do not change nappies whilst pregnant until a risk assessment has been discussed and conducted. Students only change nappies with the support and close supervision of a qualified member of staff
- Where food/milk is prepared for babies there is a separate area within the kitchen which is specifically designated for this preparation
- Bottles of formula milk are only be made up as and when the child needs them. These should be cooled to body temperature, which means they should feel warm or cool, but not hot, and should be tested with a sterilised thermometer to ensure they are an appropriate temperature for the child to drink safely
- Following the Department of Health guidelines, we only use recently boiled water to make formula bottles (left for no longer than 30 minutes to cool). We do not use cooled boiled water that is reheated
- Bottles and teats are thoroughly cleaned with hot soapy water and sterilised after use (they will not be washed in the dishwasher)
- Contents of bottles are disposed of after two hours
- A designated area is available for mothers who wish to breastfeed their babies or express milk
- Labelled mothers’ breast milk will be in the fridge
- If dummies are used they will be cleaned and sterilised. This also applies to dummies which have been dropped (see separate dummy policy)
- All dummies are stored in separate labelled containers to ensure no cross-contamination occurs
- Sterilisers are washed out and cleaned daily
- Children transfer to the older age group when assessed as appropriate for their age/stage following our agreed transition and settling procedures.
At Fabulous Tots Nursery we aim to support parents and other carers to help their children settle quickly and easily by giving consideration to the individual needs and circumstances of every child and their families. Our aim is for children to feel safe, stimulated and happy in the nursery and to feel secure and comfortable with all staff. We also want parents to have confidence in both their children’s continued well-being and their role as active partners, with the child being able to benefit from what the nursery has to offer.
All our staff know about the importance of building strong attachments with children. They are trained to recognise the different stages of attachment and use this knowledge to support children and families settling in to the nursery.
Our nursery will work in partnership with parents to settle their child into the nursery environment by:
- Allocating a key person to each child and his/her family, before he/she starts to attend. The key person welcomes and looks after the child ensuring that their care is tailored to meet their individual needs. He/she offers a settled relationship for the child and builds a relationship with his/her parents during the settling in period and throughout his/her time at the nursery, to ensure the family has a familiar contact person to assist with the settling in process
- Providing parents with relevant information about the policies and procedures of the nursery
- Encouraging parents and children to visit the nursery during the weeks before an admission is planned and arranging home visits where applicable
- Planning settling in visits and introductory sessions (lasting approximately 1-2 hours). These will be provided free of charge over a one or two week period, dependent on individual needs, age and stage of development
- Welcoming parents to stay with their child during the first few weeks until the child feels settled and the parents feel comfortable about leaving their child. Settling in visits and introductory sessions are key to a smooth transition and to ensure good communication and information sharing between staff and parents
- Reassuring parents whose children seem to be taking a long time settling in to the nursery and developing a plan with them
- Encouraging parents, where appropriate, to separate themselves from their children for brief periods at first, gradually building up to longer absences
- Assigning a buddy/back-up key person to each child in case the key person is not available. Parents will be made aware of this to support the settling process and attachment
- Reviewing the nominated key person if the child is bonding with another member of staff to ensure the child’s needs are supported
- Respecting the circumstances of all families, including those who are unable to stay for long periods of time in the nursery and reassure them of their child’s progress towards settling in
- Not taking a child on an outing from the nursery until he/she is completely settled.
At Fabulous Tots Nursery we are committed to the importance of daily outdoor play and the physical development of all children regardless of their age, ability , disability and stage of development. If weather permitting, children in the nursery must be offered daily opportunities for outdoor play as it enhances all areas of their development and contributes to the child’s overall fitness and well-being. Being active in the fresh air improves breathing, circulation, and appetite. Therefore all staff teams will seek to maximise the opportunities offered to children for outdoor play. Our garden consists of designated areas. These are Role play, Water, Sand, Quiet area/Book, Construction, Messy play/Mark-making, growing and an area designated for non-walkers.
We recognise that children need regular access to outdoor play in order to keep fit and healthy, develop their large and fine motor skills, experience learning in a natural environment and access sunlight in order to absorb vitamin D more effectively.
The outdoor areas, both within the nursery grounds and in the local community have a wealth of experiences and resources which help children to develop in a variety of ways, including independence, exploration and investigative skills, risk taking and self-esteem, all of which support children to develop skills now and for the future.
We ensure all areas are safe and secure through close supervision and the use of robust risk assessments and health and safety checks. Where possible and appropriate, we plan and encourage play that helps children understand and manage risks. This type of play allows children to explore and find their own boundaries in a safe environment with supportive practitioners. Staff are informed of the importance of safety procedures and are trained appropriately to ensure these procedures are followed effectively. The outdoor gate is kept locked whilst the children are outside. Children’s water bottles must be taken out to allow them to access drinking water during play. Wellies, coats, sun cream/sunhat are required to be provided by parents to allow their child to go out in all weathers.
We obtain parental permission before any child leaves the nursery during the day. This includes short outings into the local community. There is more information in the outings policy.
We plan all outdoor play opportunities and outings to complement the indoor activities and provide children with purposeful activities that support and follow individual children’s interests. There is a balance of both adult-led and child-initiated opportunities to enable children to learn and practice new skills, knowledge and behaviours.
If children and staff are out in the garden and the fire alarm goes off please exit the nursery garden and go to the evacuation point by the main Entrance. An accident book is situated in the garden for staff to record any accidents/ incidents relating to the children. When tidying away the garden please wash equipment either at the outside tap or in your room. If staffing is low please call the Manager/Deputy to assist. The garden needs to be tidied away no earlier than 4:45pm every day unless the weather dictates otherwise. Regarding setting up the garden in bad weather conditions use your own judgement.
We use this policy alongside the following policies to ensure the safety and welfare of children throughout their time outside:
- Health and Safety
- Sun Care
- Caring for and settling children
- Lost Child Policy
- Communication with Parents/Carers
- Supervision of Children
- Safeguarding and Child Protection
- Outings.
At Fabulous Tots Nursery we care for all children between the ages of 0 to 5 and provide breakfast and afterschool club as well as holiday club. The numbers and ages of children admitted to the nursery comply with the legal space requirements set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
We take the following matters into account when prioritising and deciding on admissions:
- Availability of places, taking into account the staff: child ratios, the age of the child and any registration requirements
- Children who have siblings who are already with us
- When the application is received (extra weight is given to those who have been on the waiting list the longest)
- The nursery’s ability to provide the facilities necessary for the welfare of the child, including appropriate staffing arrangements
- A child requiring a full-time place may have preference over one requiring a part-time place. This is dependent upon work commitments, occupancy and room availability
- Any extenuating circumstances affecting the child’s welfare or the welfare of his/her family.
We operate an inclusion and equality policy and ensure that all children have access to nursery places and services irrespective of their gender, race, disability, religion or belief or sexual orientation of parents.
Prior to a child attending nursery, parents must complete and sign a contract and registration form. These forms provide the nursery with personal details relating to the child. For example, name, date of birth, address, emergency contact details, parental responsibilities, dietary requirements, collection arrangements, fees and sessions, contact details for parents, doctor’s contact details, health visitor contact details, allergies, parental consent and vaccinations etc.
Providers eligible to provide government funded places for early education
All settings registered to accept government funding (detailed in the code of practice) must offer free places for *two/*three to five year olds for early learning sessions specified by the local authority.
At Fabulous Tots Nursery we currently provide free funded places available for children subject to availability. These places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and can be booked a term in advance. Please note for admissions for the free nursery education we have a termly intake, beginning the term following your child’s *second/*third birthday.
All funded sessions are now in line with the flexible arrangement as specified by the Government. When you register your child for their funded place we will discuss your needs and, as far as possible with availability and staffing arrangements, we will accommodate your wishes.
A home visit will be arranged by the Nursery prior to your child Starting Nursery, settling in visits will also then be organised for your Child for which there is no charge. A registration pack detailing Personal information, emergency contacts details, medical information Consent forms, allergies and dietary needs. Please make sure you Update this information if anything changes including contact details.
Written parental consent is required for outings, emergency medical treatments and photographs/video.
Parents/Carers should be advised that children need suitable clothes and footwear to attend nursery, and should be asked to label their child’s clothing. They should be aware that the nursery encourages the children to explore with the resources on offer and that this may end up in clothing getting messy. The Nursery discourages Parents/carers from allowing their children to wear jewellery during the day for their own and other’s safety. Any jewellery or accessories being worn for religious or cultural reasons may be allowed, but parents/carers must be aware that they take full responsibility for loss or damage or accidents involving the jewellery. Staff must ensure that children are encouraged to wear aprons during messy play activities. If a child refuses to wear an apron and clothing becomes damaged, parents should be advised of what has occurred.
At Fabulous Tots Nursery we believe that children flourish best when they know how they and others are expected to behave. Children gain respect through interaction with caring adults who act as good role models, show them respect and value their individual personalities. The nursery encourages and praises positive, caring and polite behaviour at all times in and provides an environment where children learn to respect themselves, other people and their surroundings.
Children need to have set boundaries of behaviour for their own safety and the safety of their peers. Within the nursery we aim to set these boundaries in a way which helps the child to develop a sense of the significance of their own behaviour, both on their own environment and that of others around them. Restrictions on the child’s natural desire to explore and develop their own ideas and concepts are kept to a minimum.
We aim to:
- Recognise the individuality of all our children and that some behaviours are normal in young children e.g. biting
- Encourage self-discipline, consideration for each other, our surroundings and property
- Encourage children to participate in a wide range of group activities to enable them to develop their social skills
- Ensure that all staff act as positive role models for children
- Encourage parents and other visitors to be positive role models and challenge any poor behaviour shown
- Work in partnership with parents by communicating openly
- Praise children and acknowledge their positive actions and attitudes, therefore ensuring that children see that we value and respect them
- Encourage all staff working with children to accept their responsibility for implementing the goals in this policy and to be consistent
- Promote non-violence and encourage children to deal with conflict peacefully
- Provide a key person system enabling staff to build a strong and positive relationship with children and their families
- Provide activities and stories to help children learn about accepted behaviours, including opportunities for children to contribute to decisions about accepted behaviour where age/stage appropriate
- Have a named person who has overall responsibility for behaviour management.
The named personMs Falilat Akewushola for managing behaviour will:
- Advise other staff on behaviour issues
- Along with each room leader will keep up to date with legislation and research
- Support changes to policies and procedures in the nursery
- Access relevant sources of expertise where required and act as a central information source for all involved
- Attend regular external training events, and ensure all staff attend relevant in-house or external training for behaviour management. Keep a record of staff attendance at this training.
Our nursery rules are concerned with safety, care and respect for each other. We keep the rules to a minimum and ensure that these are age and stage appropriate. We regularly involve children in the process of setting rules to encourage cooperation and participation and ensure children gain understanding of the expectations of behaviour relevant to them as a unique child.
Children who behave inappropriately, for example by physically abusing another child or adult e.g. biting, or through verbal bullying, are helped to talk through their actions and apologise where appropriate. We make sure that the child who has been upset is comforted and the adult will confirm that the other child’s behaviour is not acceptable. We always acknowledge when a child is feeling angry or upset and that it is the behaviour that is not acceptable, not the child.
- We never use or threaten to use physical punishment/corporal punishment such as smacking or shaking
- We only use physical intervention for the purpose of averting immediate danger or personal injury to any person (including the child) or to manage a child’s behaviour if absolutely necessary. We keep a record of any occasions where physical intervention is used and inform parents on the same day, or as reasonably practicable
- We recognise that there may be times where children may have regular occasions where they lose control and may need individual techniques to restrain them. This will only be carried out by staff who have been appropriately trained to do so. Any restraints will only be done following recommended guidance and training and only with a signed agreement from parents on when to use it. We will complete an incident form following any restraints used and notify the parents
- We do not single out children or humiliate them in any way. Where children use unacceptable behaviour they will, wherever possible, be re-directed to alternative activities. Discussions with children will take place as to why their behaviour was not acceptable, respecting their level of understanding and maturity
- Staff will not raise their voices (other than to keep children safe)
- In any case of misbehaviour, we always make it clear to the child or children in question, that it is the behaviour and not the child that is unwelcome
- We decide how to handle a particular type of behaviour depending on the child’s age, level of development and the circumstances surrounding the behaviour. This may involve asking the child to talk and think about what he/she has done. All staff support children in developing empathy and children will only be asked to apologise if they have developed strong empathy skills and have a good understanding of why saying sorry is appropriate
- We help staff to reflect on their own responses towards challenging behaviours to ensure that their reactions are appropriate
- We inform parents if their child’s behaviour is unkind to others or if their child has been upset. In all cases we deal with inappropriate behaviour in nursery at the time. We may ask parents to meet with staff to discuss their child’s behaviour, so that if there are any difficulties we can work together to ensure consistency between their home and the nursery. In some cases we may request additional advice and support from other professionals, such as an educational psychologist
- We support children in developing non-aggressive strategies to enable them to express their feelings
- We keep confidential records on any inappropriate behaviour that has taken place. We inform parents and ask them to read and sign any incidents concerning their child
- We support all children to develop positive behaviour, and we make every effort to provide for their individual needs
- Through partnership with parents and formal observations, we make every effort to identify any behavioural concerns and the causes of that behaviour. From these observations and discussions we will implement an individual behaviour modification plan where a child’s behaviour involves aggressive actions towards other children and staff, for example hitting, kicking etc. The manager will complete risk assessments identifying any potential triggers or warning signs ensuring other children’s and staff’s safety at all times. In these instances we may remove a child from an area until they have calmed down.
Bullying takes many forms. It can be physical, verbal or emotional, but it is always a repeated behaviour that makes other people feel uncomfortable or threatened. We acknowledge that any form of bullying is unacceptable and will be dealt with immediately while recognising that physical aggression is part of children’s development in their early years.
We recognise that children need their own time and space and that it is not always appropriate to expect a child to share. We believe it is important to acknowledge each child’s feelings and to help them understand how others might be feeling.
We encourage children to recognise that bullying, fighting, hurting and discriminatory comments are not acceptable behaviour. We want children to recognise that certain actions are right and that others are wrong.
At our nursery staff should follow the procedure below to enable them to deal with challenging behaviour:
- Staff are encouraged to ensure that all children feel safe, happy and secure
- Staff are encouraged to recognise that active physical aggression in the early years is part of the child’s development and that it should be channelled in a positive way
- Children are helped to understand that using aggression, to get things, is inappropriate and they will be encouraged to resolve problems in other ways
- Our staff will intervene when they think a child is being bullied, however mild or harmless it may seem
- Staff will initiate games and activities with children when they feel play has become aggressive, both indoors or out
- Staff will sensitively discuss any instance of bullying with the parents of all involved to look for a consistent resolution to the behaviour
- We will ensure that this policy is available for staff and parents and it will be actively publicised at least once a year to parents and staff.
- If any parent has a concern about their child, a member of staff will be available to discuss those concerns. It is only through co-operation that we can ensure our children feel confident and secure in their environment, both at home and in the nursery
- All concerns will be treated in the strictest confidence.
By positively promoting good behaviour, valuing co-operation and a caring attitude, we hope to ensure that children will develop as responsible members of society.
At Fabulous Tots Nursery we work with children, parents, external agencies and the community to ensure the welfare and safety of children and to give them the very best start in life. Children have the right to be treated with respect, be helped to thrive and to be safe from any abuse in whatever form.
We support the children within our care, protect them from maltreatment and have robust procedures in place to prevent the impairment of children’s health and development. Safeguarding is a much wider subject than the elements covered within this single policy, therefore this document should be used in conjunction with the nursery’s other policies and procedures.
Legal framework and definition of safeguarding
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2014
Working together to safeguard children, 2015
What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused 2006
Childcare Act 2006
Children Act 1989 and 2004
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, in relation to this policy is defined as:
- Protecting children from maltreatment
- Preventing the impairment of children’s health or development
- Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
- Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
(Definition taken from the HM Government document ‘Working together to safeguard children 2015).
Policy intention
To safeguard children and promote their welfare we will:
- Create an environment to encourage children to develop a positive self-image
- Provide positive role models and develop a safe culture where staff are confident to raise concerns about professional conduct
- Encourage children to develop a sense of independence and autonomy in a way that is appropriate to their age and stage of development
- Provide a safe and secure environment for all children
- Always listen to children
- Provide an environment where practitioners are confident to identify where children and families may need intervention and seek the help they need
- Share information with other agencies as appropriate.
The nursery is aware that abuse does occur in our society and we are vigilant in identifying signs of abuse and reporting concerns. Our practitioners have a duty to protect and promote the welfare of children. Due to the many hours of care we are providing, staff may often be the first people to identify that there may be a problem. They may well be the first people in whom children confide information that may suggest abuse or to spot changes in a child’s behaviour which may indicate abuse.
Our prime responsibility is the welfare and well-being of each child in our care. As such we believe we have a duty to the children, parents and staff to act quickly and responsibly in any instance that may come to our attention. This includes sharing information with any relevant agencies such as local authority services for children’s social care, health professionals or the police. All staff will work with other agencies including as part of a multi-agency team, where needed, in the best interests of the child.
The nursery aims to:
- Keep the child at the centre of all we do
- Ensure staff are trained to understand the child protection and safeguarding policy and procedures, are alert to identify possible signs of abuse, understand what is meant by child protection and are aware of the different ways in which children can be harmed, including by other children through bullying or discriminatory behaviour
- Ensure that all staff feel confident and supported to act in the best interest of the child, share information and seek the help that the child may need
- Ensure that all staff are familiar and updated regularly with child protection training and procedures and kept informed of changes to local/national procedures
- Make any referrals in a timely way, sharing relevant information as necessary in line with procedures set out by the Local Safeguarding Children Board (Royal Greenwich)
- Ensure that information is shared only with those people who need to know in order to protect the child and act in their best interest
- Ensure that children are never placed at risk while in the charge of nursery staff
- Take any appropriate action relating to allegations of serious harm or abuse against any person working with children, or living or working on the nursery premises including reporting such allegations to Ofsted and other relevant authorities
- Ensure parents are fully aware of child protection policies and procedures when they register with the nursery and are kept informed of all updates when they occur
- Regularly review and update this policy with staff and parents where appropriate and make sure it complies with any legal requirements and any guidance or procedures issued by the Local Safeguarding Children Board.
We will support children by offering reassurance, comfort and sensitive interactions. We will devise activities according to individual circumstances to enable children to develop confidence and self-esteem within their peer group.
Contact telephone numbers
Designated Safeguarding Co-ordinator (DSCO). 07878554042
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) 02089214477
OfstedTelephone: 0300 123 1231
Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) 02089214477
Types of abuse and particular procedures followed
Abuse and neglect are forms of maltreatment of a child. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by harming them, or by failing to act to prevent harm. Children may be abused within a family, institution, or community setting by those known to them or a stranger. This could be an adult or adults, another child or children.
What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused 2006
The signs and indicators listed below may not necessarily indicate that a child has been abused, but will help us to recognise that something may be wrong, especially if a child shows a number of these symptoms or any of them to a marked degree.
- Failure to thrive and meet developmental milestones
- Fearful or withdrawn tendencies
- Aggressive behaviour
- Unexplained injuries to a child or conflicting reports from parents or staff
- Repeated injuries
- Unaddressed illnesses or injuries
- Significant changes to behaviour patterns.
Staff should make an objective record of any observation or disclosure, supported by the nursery manager or Designated Safeguarding Co-ordinator[1] (DSCO). This record should include:
- Child’s name
- Child’s address
- Age of the child and date of birth
- Date and time of the observation or the disclosure
- Exact words spoken by the child
- Exact position and type of any injuries or marks seen
- Exact observation of any incident including any other witnesses
- Name of the person to whom any concern was reported, with date and time; and the names of any other person present at the time
- Any discussion held with the parent(s) (where deemed appropriate).
These records should be signed by the person reporting this and the *manager/*DSCO/*supervisor, dated and kept in a separate confidential file.
If a child starts to talk to an adult about potential abuse it is important not to promise the child complete confidentiality. This promise cannot be kept. It is vital that the child is allowed to talk openly and disclosure is not forced or words put into the child’s mouth. As soon as possible after the disclosure details must be logged accurately.
It may be thought necessary that through discussion with all concerned the matter needs to be raised with the local authority children’s social care team and Ofsted, and/or a Common Assessment Framework (CAF) needs to be initiated. Staff involved may be asked to supply details of any information/concerns they have with regard to a child. The nursery expects all members of staff to co-operate with the local authority children’s social care, police, and Ofsted in any way necessary to ensure the safety of the children.
Staff must not make any comments either publicly or in private about a parent’s or staff’s supposed or actual behaviour.
Action needs to be taken if staff have reason to believe that there has been a physical injury to a child, including deliberate poisoning, where there is definite knowledge, or reasonable suspicion that the injury was inflicted or knowingly not prevented. These symptoms may include bruising or injuries in an area that is not usual for a child, e.g. fleshy parts of the arms and legs, back, wrists, ankles and face. Many children will have cuts and grazes from normal childhood injuries. These should also be logged and discussed with the nursery manager or room leader. Children and babies may be abused physically through shaking or throwing. Other injuries may include burns or scalds. These are not usual childhood injuries and should always be logged and discussed with the nursery manager.
This type of physical abuse is practised as a cultural ritual by certain ethnic groups and there is now more awareness of its prevalence in some communities in England including its effect on the child and any other siblings involved. For those nurseries caring for older children in their out of school facility this may be an area of abuse you could come across. Symptoms may include bleeding, painful areas, and acute urinary retention, urinary infection, wound infection, septicaemia, and incontinence, vaginal and pelvic infections with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder as physiological concerns. If you have concerns about a child relating to this area, you should contact children’s social care team in the same way as other types of physical abuse.
This is also a type of physical abuse. This is where a child is presented with an illness that is fabricated by the adult carer. The carer may seek out unnecessary medical treatment or investigation. The signs may include a carer exaggerating a real illness or symptoms, complete fabrication of symptoms or inducing physical illness, e.g. through poisoning, starvation, inappropriate diet. This may also be presented through false allegations of abuse or encouraging the child to appear disabled or ill to obtain unnecessary treatment or specialist support.
- All signs of marks/injuries to a child, when they come into nursery or occur during time at the nursery, will be recorded as soon as noticed by a staff member
- The incident will be discussed with the parent at the earliest opportunity, where felt appropriate
- Such discussions will be recorded and the parent will have access to such records
- If there appear to be any queries regarding the injury, the local authority children’s social care team will be notified in line with procedures set out by the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB)
Action needs be taken under this heading if the staff member has witnessed occasion(s) where a child indicated sexual activity through words, play, drawing, had an excessive pre-occupation with sexual matters, or had an inappropriate knowledge of adult sexual behaviour or language. This may include acting out sexual activity on dolls/toys or in the role play area with their peers, drawing pictures that are inappropriate for a child, talking about sexual activities or using sexual language or words. The child may become worried when their clothes are removed, e.g. for nappy changes.
The physical symptoms may include genital trauma, discharge, and bruises between the legs or signs of a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Emotional symptoms could include a distinct change in a child’s behaviour. They may be withdrawn or overly extroverted and outgoing. They may withdraw away from a particular adult and become distressed if they reach out for them, but they may also be particularly clingy to a potential abuser so all symptoms and signs should be looked at together and assessed as a whole.
If a child starts to talk openly to an adult about abuse they may be experiencing; the procedure stated later in this document under ‘recording abuse suspicions’ will be followed.
- The adult should reassure the child and listen without interrupting if the child wishes to talk
- The observed instances will be detailed in a confidential report
- The observed instances will be reported to the nursery manager or DSCO
- The matter will be referred to the local authority children’s social care team.
Action should be taken under this heading if the staff member has reason to believe that there is a severe, adverse effect on the behaviour and emotional development of a child, caused by persistent or severe ill treatment or rejection.
This may include extremes of discipline where a child is shouted at or put down on a consistent basis, lack of emotional attachment by a parent, or it may include parents or carers placing inappropriate age or developmental expectations upon them. Emotional abuse may also be imposed through the child witnessing domestic abuse and alcohol and drug misuse by adults caring for them.
The child is likely to show extremes of emotion with this type of abuse. This may include shying away from an adult who is abusing them, becoming withdrawn, aggressive or clingy in order to receive their love and attention. This type of abuse is harder to identify as the child is not likely to show any physical signs.
- The concern should be discussed with the *nursery manager/DSCO/*room supervisor/*registered person
- The concern will be discussed with the parent
- Such discussions will be recorded and the parent will have access to such records
- An Assessment Framework form may need to be completed
- If there appear to be any queries regarding the circumstances, the matter will be referred to the local authority children’s social care team.
Action should be taken under this heading if the staff member has reason to believe that there has been persistent or severe neglect of a child (for example, by exposure to any kind of danger, including cold, starvation or failure to seek medical treatment, when required, on behalf of the child), which results in serious impairment of the child’s health or development, including failure to thrive.
Signs may include a child persistently arriving at nursery unwashed or unkempt, wearing clothes that are too small (especially shoes that may restrict the child’s growth or hurt them), arriving at nursery in the same nappy they went home in or a child having an illness or identified special education need or disability that is not being addressed by the parent. A child may also be persistently hungry if a parent is withholding food or not providing enough for a child’s needs.
Neglect may also be shown through emotional signs, e.g. a child may not be receiving the attention they need at home and may crave love and support at nursery. They may be clingy and emotional. In addition, neglect may occur through pregnancy as a result of maternal substance abuse.
- The concern will be discussed with the parent
- Such discussions will be recorded and the parent will have access to such records
- An assessment form may need to be completed
- If there appear to be any queries regarding the circumstances the local authority children’s social care team will be notified.
All staff will attend child protection training and receive initial basic child protection training during their induction period. This will include the procedures for spotting signs and behaviours of abuse and abusers/potential abusers, recording and reporting concerns and creating a safe and secure environment for the children in the nursery. During induction staff will be given contact details for the LADO (local authority designated officer), the local authority children’s services team, the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) and Ofsted to enable them to report any safeguarding concerns, independently, if they feel it necessary to do so.
The Nursery has a Designated Safeguarding Co-ordinator (DSCO) who will be responsible for the overseeing safeguarding within the Nursery and undertakes specific training, including a child protection training course, and receives regular updates to developments within this field.. In addition there is also be a named “back up” to this role in case of absence.
This person’s role is to:
- Work closely with, and discuss any concerns with the nursery manager to ensure that all children are cared for in a safe and stimulating environment.
- Attend regular enhanced safeguarding training to stay up to date with best practice and any legislative changes. They will also ensure all staff are inducted in Nursery safeguarding procedure, receive training and understand how to raise a concern.
- Where appropriate liaise with Royal Greenwich’ Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).
- Liaise and be understanding if a member of staff or parent wants to approach them with any concerns, and assist in the completion of a “Keeping children safe” record if required.
- Attend child protection conferences if one is called by the local authority.
- Carefully monitor the attendance and well being of any child subject to a child protection plan and inform the child protection line immediately of any further concerns.
- Feedback to staff team on any training given or changes in guidelines/procedures.
- Ensure that all staff are made aware of the importance of confidentiality.
- Ensure that if the Nursery does allow internet or other media access to the children that it is age appropriate and safeguards have been taken.
Any concerns relating to the safety and wellbeing of children should be referred to the designated member of staff as soon as possible. The protection of children relies on good communication and it is important that any concerns, however apparently trivial are discussed. Whenever possible, concerns will first be discussed with parents or carers (if it is suitable to do so). If the explanation given is judged to be plausible, a note of the incident and enquiry will be kept in the child protection file.
If the designated member of staff does not consider the explanation to be plausible, based on his/her knowledge and experience, she/he has a duty to immediately refer the incident to Safeguarding and Children’s Social Care Department (S&CSC) Initial Response and Assessment Service on 020 8921 3172/3230/3231/3234. Where a child is believed to be in immediate danger contact the police on 999 and then contact S&CSC. If a child’s name is already on the child protection register or allocated to a social worker the referral should be made directly to that social worker or their manager. In their absence it should be made to the local duty officer. Out of hours referrals should be made to the emergency duty team on 020 8854 8888.
The information required for making a referral
- The nature of the suspected abuse
- The referrer’s professional relationship to the family
- The child’s personal details (name, age, ethnicity, if any communication difficulties etc.)
- The date, time and place of any incident and observations made
- What was observed e.g. marks, injuries, unusual behaviours
- What was said by the child
- What was said by another person, e.g. parent, sibling, other child, colleague
- Whether any other person was involved
- Action taken at that time
- Nature of discussion with designated child protection officer
- Subsequent action taken
A multi-agency referral form must be completed within 48 hours of the referral being made.Every member of staff should follow the ‘What to do if you are worried is child is being abused’ (DOH 2006) flowcharts for referral and have regard to the Pan London Child Protection Procedures when responding to a concern.
When a referral is made to S&CSC an agreement should be reached about when how and by whom the parents are informed, it is up to S&CSC not the setting to conduct an investigation and how they will proceed. Remember that an allegation of child abuse or neglect may lead to a criminal investigation, so don’t do anything that may jeopardise a police investigation, such as asking a child / parent leading questions or attempting to investigate the allegations of abuse.
When informing parents, staff must be:
- Open and informative
- Fair and non-judgmental
- Be helpful, give appropriate advice making sure procedures are clear and well understood.
The child protection register
The child protection register is all list of all of the children in the Borough who have been identifies through the process of referral and assessment as being at risk of significant harm and in need of protection. The register is held and managed by S&CSC.
- We will ensure that all parents know how to complain about staff or volunteers within the setting, which may include an allegation of abuse.
- We will follow the guidance of Greenwich safeguarding children’s Board and Pan London Child Protection Procedures when responding to any complaint that a member of staff or volunteer has abused a child.
- We will respond to any disclosure by children or staff that abuse by a member of staff may have taken or is taking place, by first recording the details of any such alleged incident.
- We will refer any such complaint immediately to Greenwich S&CSC department to investigate.
- We will co-operate entirely with any investigation carried out by S&CSC in conjunction with the police.
- Our policy is to suspend the member of staff during the investigation in order to protect the staff, children and families throughout the process.
- Ofsted will be informed of the allegations by the Nursery Manager.
We introduce key elements of child protection in our curriculum programmed to promote the personal, social and emotional development of all children, so that they may grow to be strong, resilient and listened to and so that they develop understanding of why and how to keep safe.
MASH 020 8291 3172
Social Care and Safeguarding emergency duty team 020 8854 8888
Inter-agency referral form 020 8856 9932 ext: 204
NSPCC 0808 800 5000
ChildLine 0800 1111
Police Child Protection Team, Erith 020 8284 9347
Greenwich Police Station 020 8855 1212
Ofsted 0300 123 1231
Samaritans 08457 90 90 90
Parent line 0808 800 2222
Greenwich Safeguarding Board 020 8854 2226
All members of staff will receive training in safeguarding as part of their induction training (see Staff Induction Policy for further information). All members of staff are instructed in the specific procedure for Fabulous Tots Nursery, especially as regards to disclosures and suspicions of child abuse. (See Safeguarding Policy for further information)
Accidents and Incidents
All members of staff will receive first aid training as part of their induction training; in addition all members of staff are instructed in the correct procedures for dealing with accidents and incidents including completion of documentation. The setting has separate accident and incident folder which are used to document each accident and incident that takes place in the setting.
If any member of staff is concerned about a child he or she must immediately discuss the concerns with the Nursery Manager.Information regarding the concerns must be recorded by the member of staff on the same day. The recording must be a clear, precise, factual account of the observations;
The Nursery Manager will decide whether the concerns should be referred.
Parents/carers will be informed that a referral is being made unless the Nursery Manager feels that this would put the child at more risk.
The Nursery Manager can seek advice from the Local Authority Safeguarding Board
If a referral is made, the Nursery Manager will ensure that a written report of the concerns is sent to the Social Worker dealing with the case within 48 hours;
Particular attention will be paid to the attendance and development of any child who has been identified as at risk or who has been placed on the Child Protection Register;
If a child who is known to be on the Child Protection Register moves to another nursery or setting the Nursery Manager will inform the Social Worker responsible for the case and transfer the appropriate records to the receiving Nursery.
If a child arrives at nursery with injuries sustained outside nursery then the parents will be asked to complete/sign an accident form, a copy of which will be filed in the ‘record of accidents and incidents that have occurred at home’ file in the office.
Staff should be concerned about a child if he or she –
- Has an injury which is not typical of the bumps and scrapes normally associated with children’s activities?
- Regularly has unexplained injuries;
- Frequently has injuries (even when apparently reasonable explanations are given);
- Confused or conflicting explanations are given on how injuries were sustained;
- Exhibits significant changes in behaviour, performance or attitude;
- Indulges in sexual behaviour which is unusually explicit and/or inappropriate to his or her age and stage;
- Discloses an experience in which he or she may have been significantly harmed.
- There is deterioration in the child’s general well-being.
Staff should be concerned about an adult if he or she-
Displays inappropriate behaviour when working with the children for example making inappropriate sexual comments, giving excessive one to one attention beyond the usual requirements of their role and inappropriate sharing of images.
If a child disclosures that he or she has been abused in some way, the member of staff should –
- Listen to what is being said without displaying shock or disbelief;
- Accept what is being said;
- Allow the child to talk freely;
- Reassure the child but do not make promises which it might not be possible to keep;
- Not promise confidentiality – it might be necessary to refer;
- Reassure him or her that what happened is not his or her fault;
- Stress that it was the right thing to tell;
- Listen, rather than ask questions;
- Ask open questions rather than leading questions;
- Do not criticise the perpetrator;
- Explain what has to be done next and who has to be told
When a child has disclosed the member of staff should –
- Make some brief notes as soon as possible after the conversation;
- Not destroy the original notes in case they are needed by court;
- Record the date, time, place and any noticeable non-verbal behaviour and the actual words used by the child;
- Draw a diagram to indicate the position of any bruising or other injury;
- Record the facts i.e. what was actually witnessed, heard or seen in statements and observations, Not make assumptions
Dealing with a disclosure from a child, and a child protection case in general, is likely to be a stressful experience. The member of staff concerned should, therefore, consider seeking support for him/herself and discuss this with the Nursery Manager.
If a child, or parent, makes a complaint of abuse against a member of staff, the person receiving the complaint must take it seriously and immediately inform the Nursery Manager.
Any member of staff who has reason to suspect that a child may have been abused by another member of staff, either at Nursery or elsewhere, must immediately inform the Nursery Manager. He/she should also make a record of the concerns including a note of anyone else who witnessed the incident or allegation. (If the concerns are about the Nursery Manager the, Director should be informed.)
The Nursery Manager will not investigate the allegation him/herself or take detailed statements but will gather enough information to be able to refer the matter to the local authority designated officer (LADO) AND OFSTED within one working day of the allegation. The Nursery Manager will cooperate with and be guided by the LADO supporting any subsequent investigations including providing identifying details of the child and member of staff. The outcome of the investigation may be a police matter or it may be returned to the Nursery Manager to carry out an internal investigation and follow the company’s disciplinary procedure.
Contact telephone numbers:
Local Authority Safeguarding Board; 02089214477
Local Authority Designated Officer; 02089214477
OFSTED; 03001231231
‘Children’s personal, social and emotional development involves helping children to develop a positive sense of themselves and others, to form positive relationships and develop respect for others: to develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings, to understand appropriate behaviour in groups and to have confidence in their own abilities’. EYFS Statutory Guidance.
At Fabulous Tots we aim to remind the children of our boundaries in a way that helps the child to understand what is expected of them and which enables them to develop socially and to increase their self-esteem We will always acknowledge when a child is feeling frustrated, angry or upset and then support them to develop the skills needed to manage their feelings.
We aim to do this by:
- Promoting positive behaviour e.g. kind words and gentle hands
- Praising children and acknowledging their positive actions and attitudes.
- Treating children and adults with courtesy and respect
- Providing positive role models for children
- By ensuring staff and students are fully inducted into this policy
- Working in partnership with parents and other professionals
- Encouraging children to share and to care for each other
- Encouraging children to care for and to respect their environment
- Developing a sense and understanding of what is right and wrong
- Setting children clear and consistent goals and boundaries appropriate to their stage of development
The designated Behaviour Management Officer is the Nursery Manager, The Key responsibilities of the Behaviour Management Officer are to:
- Attend relevant local training and feed back to the whole staff team
- Support practitioners to follow this behaviour management policy
- Support keyworkers to assess the child’s behaviour to establish possible causes or patterns of unwanted behaviours in consultation with parents.
- Offer guidance and strategies suitable to the child’s stage of development to modify unacceptable behaviour
- Liaise with parents, key person, nursery SENCO and regularly review if strategies are working
- Seek guidance and support from local authority.
- To ensure that parents feel free and are able to discuss any concerns they may have in the strictest confidence.
All practitioners and students will ensure that when dealing with unwanted behaviour they will maintain a calm and consistent approach at all times. Situations will be dealt with immediately to avoid escalation. We do not shout or raise our voices in a threatening manner in response to children’s inconsiderate behaviour. Neither will we use techniques intended to single out or humiliate individual children.
Parents will be informed if their child is persistently unkind to others or if their child has been upset. In all cases, unacceptable behaviour will be dealt with in nursery at the time. Parents will be asked to meet with the child’s keyworker and/or the nursery manager to discuss any possible causes of the unwanted behaviour and to agree strategies we can all use to ensure consistency between home and nursery.
- Strategies for dealing with unwanted behaviour
- Distracting children to another activity
- Early intervention to avoid disagreements, supporting the child and modelling how to negotiate.
- Encouraging children to settle disputes by compromise and negotiation
- Helping children to understand what is and what is not acceptable behaviour, ‘golden rules’
- Encouraging children to empathise with other people using kind words and gentle hands
How a particular type of behaviour is handled will depend on the child’s stage of development and the circumstances. It may involve the child being asked to talk or think about what he or she has done or being removed to a different activity
The adult’s attention should in the first instance be with the child who has been hurt to offer reassurance, comfort and first aid if necessary. Remember this child may not want the child who has just hurt them to come near them. Depending on the stage of the child involved the adult should calmly explain how their behaviour has hurt someone else and ask if they would like to say sorry. Children need to develop non-aggressive strategies to enable them to express their feelings, needs and wishes so that adults and children listen and understand them.
At Fabulous Tots we provide a range of activities to enable children to explore and express their emotions. We plan activities which are stimulating, exciting and are differentiated appropriately within a flexible routine to minimise frustration and boredom
- It is important to acknowledge children’s feelings and to help them understand how others might be feeling.
- Corporal punishment (smacking, or shaking) will never be acceptable practices and will never be used.
- It may rarely be necessary to use restraining action in an emergency to prevent personal injury or serious damage.
Bullying involves the persistent physical or verbal abuse of another child or children. We take bullying very seriously: if a child bullies another child or children we:
- intervene to stop the child harming the other child or children
- explain to the child doing the bullying why his/her behaviour is inappropriate
- give reassurance to the child who was bullied
- help the child who has done the bullying to say sorry for his/her actions
- make sure that children who bully receive praise when they display acceptable behaviour
- do not label a child as ‘a bully’
Parents are normally the first point of contact. If a suspicion of abuse is recorded, parents are informed at the same time as the report is made, except where the guidance of the LSCB/ local authority children’s social care team/ Police does not allow this. This will usually be the case where the parent or family member is the likely abuser, or where a child may be endangered by this disclosure. In these cases the investigating officers will inform parents.
All suspicions, enquiries and external investigations are kept confidential and shared only with those who need to know. Any information is shared in line with guidance from the LSCB.
The nursery takes every step in its power to build up trusting and supportive relations among families, staff, students and volunteers within the nursery.
The nursery continues to welcome the child and the family whilst enquiries are being made in relation to abuse in the home situation. Parents and families will be treated with respect in a non-judgmental manner whilst any external investigations are carried out in the best interests of the child.
Confidential records kept on a child are shared with the child’s parents or those who have parental responsibility for the child, only if appropriate in line with guidance of the LSCB with the proviso that the care and safety of the child is paramount. We will do all in our power to support and work with the child’s family.
Employees, students or volunteers of the nursery or any other person living or working on the nursery premises
If an allegation is made against a member of staff, student or volunteer or any other person who lives or works on the nursery premises regardless of whether the allegation relates to the nursery premises or elsewhere, we will follow the procedure below.
The allegation should be reported to the senior manager on duty. If this person is the subject of the allegation then this should be reported to the *Director/*registered person/*DSCO/*deputy manager instead.
The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), Ofsted and the LSCB will then be informed immediately in order for this to be investigated by the appropriate bodies promptly:
- The LADO will be informed immediately for advice and guidance
- A full investigation will be carried out by the appropriate professionals (LADO, Ofsted, LSCB) to determine how this will be handled
- The nursery will follow all instructions from the LADO, Ofsted, LSCB and ask all staff members to do the same and co-operate where required
- Support will be provided to all those involved in an allegation throughout the external investigation in line with LADO support and advice
- The nursery reserves the right to suspend any member of staff during an investigation
- All enquiries/external investigations/interviews will be documented and kept in a locked file for access by the relevant authorities
- Unfounded allegations will result in all rights being re-instated
- Founded allegations will be passed on to the relevant organisations including the local authority children’s social care team and where an offence is believed to have been committed, the police, and will result in the termination of employment. Ofsted will be notified immediately of this decision. The nursery will also notify the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) to ensure their records are updated
- All records will be kept until the person reaches normal retirement age or for 21 years and 3 months years if that is longer. This will ensure accurate information is available for references and future DBS checks and avoids any unnecessary re-investigation
- The nursery retains the right to dismiss any member of staff in connection with founded allegations following an inquiry
- Counselling will be available for any member of the nursery who is affected by an allegation, their colleagues in the nursery and the parents.
Our nursery has a clear commitment to protecting children and promoting welfare. Should anyone believe that this policy is not being upheld, it is their duty to report the matter to the attention of the *nursery manager/*the Director/DSCO/*registered person at the earliest opportunity.
At Fabulous Tots Nursery we are vigilant in our recruitment procedures aiming to ensure all people working with children are suitable to do so. We follow this procedure each and every time we recruit a new member to join our team.
Legal requirements
- We abide by all legal requirements relating to safe recruitment set out in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and accompanying regulations
- We also follow any requirements or guidance given by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) in relation to carrying out checks; and abide by the employer’s responsibilities relating to informing the DBS of any changes to the suitability of their staff, whether this member of staff has left the nursery or is still under investigation. Please refer to the child protection/safeguarding policy for further information.
Our policy is to provide a secure and safe environment for all children. We only allow an adult who is employed by the nursery to care for children and who has an enhanced clearance from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) to be left alone with children. We do not allow volunteers to be alone with children or any other adult who may be present in the nursery regardless of whether or not they have a DBS clearance.
- We provide adequate and appropriate staffing resources to meet the needs of all children
- Applicants for posts within the nursery are clearly informed that the positions are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Candidates are informed of the need to carry out checks before posts can be confirmed. Where applications are rejected because of information that has been disclosed, applicants have the right to know and to challenge incorrect information
- We give staff members, volunteers and students regular opportunities to declare changes that may affect their suitability to care for the children. This includes information about their health, medication or about changes in their home life such as whether anyone they live with in a household has committed an offence or been involved in an incident that means they are disqualified from working with children.
- This information is also stated within every member of staff’s contract
- We request DBS checks on a annually basis/or we use the DBS update service to re-check staff’s criminal history and suitability to work with children
- We abide by the requirements of the EYFS and any Ofsted guidance in respect to obtaining references and suitability checks for staff, students and volunteers, to ensure that all staff, students and volunteers working in the setting are suitable to do so
- We ensure we receive at least two written references BEFORE a new member of staff commences employment with us
- All students will have enhanced DBS checks conducted on them before their placement starts
- Volunteers, including students, do not work unsupervised
- We abide by the requirements of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and the Childcare Act 2006 in respect of any person who is disqualified from providing childcare, is dismissed from our employment, or resigns in circumstances that would otherwise have led to dismissal for reasons of child protection concern
- We have procedures for recording the details of visitors to the nursery and take security steps to ensure that we have control over who comes into the nursery, so that no unauthorised person has unsupervised access to the children
- All visitors/contractors will be supervised whilst on the premises, especially when in the areas the children use
- All staff have access to and comply with the whistleblowing policy which will enable them to share any concerns that may arise about their colleagues in an appropriate manner
- All staff will receive regular supervision meetings where opportunities will be made available to discuss any issues relating to individual children, child protection training and any needs for further support
- The deployment of staff within the nursery allows for constant supervision and support. Where children need to spend time away from the rest of the group, the door will be left ajar or other safeguards will be put into action to ensure the safety of the child and the adult.
- We use reputable newspapers, websites and the local job centre to advertise for any vacancies
- We ensure that all recruitment literature includes details of our equal opportunities policy and our safe recruitment procedures; including an enhanced DBS check and at least two independent references for every new employee.
Interview stage
- We shortlist all suitable candidates against a pre-set specification and ensure all applicants receive correspondence regardless of whether they are successful in reaching the interview stage or not
- All shortlisted candidates will receive a job description, a person specification, an equal opportunities monitoring form and a request for identification prior to the interview
- The manager will decide the most appropriate people for the interview panel. There will be at least two people involved are both are involved in the overall decision making
- At the start of each interview all candidates’ identities will be checked using, for example, their passport and/or photocard driving licence. All candidates will be required to prove they are eligible to work in the UK. The interview will also cover any gaps in the candidate’s employment history
- All candidates reaching the interview stage are questioned using the same set criteria and questions. These cover specific areas of childcare, including safeguarding the children in their care, planning suitable activities to enhance the child’s development and their understanding of the legal frameworks applied to childcare and used in the nursery. The questions will be value based and will ensure the candidate has the same values as the nursery with regards to the safety and welfare of the children in their care
- Candidates will be given a score for their answers including a score for their individual experience and qualifications
- Every shortlisted candidate will be asked to take part in a supervised practical exercise which will involve spending time in a particular age group in the nursery interacting with the children, staff and where appropriate parents
- The manager and deputy will then select the most suitable person for this position based on these scores and their knowledge and understanding of the early years framework as well as the needs of the nursery
- Every candidate will receive communication from the nursery stating whether they have been successful or not. Unsuccessful candidates are offered feedback.
Starting work
- The successful candidate will be offered the position subject to at least two references from previous employment or, in the case of a newly qualified student, their tutor and a personal or professional reference. These references will be taken up BEFORE employment commences. This may be verbal initially and then followed up with a written reference which will form part of their personnel file
- The successful candidate will be asked to provide proof of their qualifications, where applicable. All qualifications will be checked and copies taken for their personnel files
- Prior to employment but after the job has been offered a health check questionnaire will be given to the employee and its results will be taken into account in making an overall decision about suitability. The nursery reserves the right to take any further advice necessary in relation to a person’s physical and mental fitness to carry out their role. Please see the absence management policy for more details about how the nursery manages health problems including access to medical records
- All new starters, other than those who have registered for the continuous updating service (see below), will be subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. This will be initiated before the member of staff commences work in the nursery and they will not have unsupervised access to any child or their records before this check comes back clear. Further to this, the new starter will not be allowed to take photographs of any child, look at their learning and development log or change the nappy of any child without an up-to-date enhanced DBS check (whether supervised or not)
- The nursery will record and retain details about the individual including staff qualifications, identity checks carried out and the vetting process completed. This will include the disclosure and barring service reference number, the date the disclosure was obtained and details of who obtained it. The nursery will not retain copies of the disclosure itself once the employment decision is taken
- There may be occasions when a DBS check is not clear but the individual is still suitable to work with children. This will be treated on an individual case basis and at the manager’s/owner’s discretion taking into account the following:
- seriousness of the offence or other information
- accuracy of the person’s self-disclosure on the application form
- nature of the appointment including levels of supervision
- age of the individual at the time of the offence or other information
- the length of time that has elapsed since the offence or other information
- relevance of the offence or information to working or being in regular contact with children
- If the individual has registered on the DBS system since 17 July 2013 managers may use the update service with the candidate’s permission instead of carrying out an enhanced DBS check
- New starters are required to sign (either application form, contract or separate form) to state that they have no criminal convictions, court orders or any other reasons that disqualify them from working with children or unsuitable to do so; and that, to the best of their knowledge, no-one living in their household has been disqualified from working with children
- All new members of staff will undergo an intensive induction period during which time they will read and discuss the nursery policies and procedures and be assigned a ‘mentor/ buddy’ who will introduce them to the way in which the nursery operates
- During their induction period all new staff will receive training on how to safeguard children in their care and follow the Safeguarding Children/Child Protection policy and procedure, emergency evacuation procedures, equality policy and health and safety issues
- The new member of staff will have regular meetings with the manager and their mentor during their induction period to discuss their progress.
- All staff are responsible for notifying the manager in person if any there are any changes to their circumstances that may affect their suitability to work with children (staff suitability status will also be checked through an annual ‘staff suitability questionnaire’). This includes any incidents occurring outside the nursery or involving people they live in a household with. Staff will face disciplinary action should they fail to notify the manager immediately
- All members of staff will update a health questionnaire on an annual basis to ensure management have a good knowledge of any changes that may require support or additional resources to aid them to carry out their day-to-day duties. This will also be discussed at staff supervisions/review meetings. Management may require this more regularly where health circumstances change. There are more details about how the nursery deals with any health problems in the absence management policy.
- The nursery manager*/owner* will review any significant changes to an individual’s circumstances that may suggest they are no longer suitable to work with children and take appropriate action to ensure any unsuitable or potentially unsuitable employee does not have unsupervised contact with children until the matter is resolved. This may include requiring the individual to obtain a waiver from Ofsted in relation to any disqualification. Please see the Disciplinary Policy for further details
- Every member of staff will have two meetings a year with the manager: a formal appraisal and a more informal review. This will provide an opportunity for the manager and member of staff to discuss training needs for the following six months as well as evaluate and discuss their performance in the previous six months
- The manager, deputy and room leaders will be responsible for any support the staff team may have between these reviews. This includes mentor support, one-to-one training sessions, ongoing supervision, work-based observations and constructive feedback
- The nursery will provide appropriate opportunities for all staff to undertake professional development and training to help improve the quality of experiences provided for children.
At Fabulous Tots Nursery we value our staff highly. We believe that personal and professional development is essential for maintaining the delivery of high-quality care and learning for children in their early years. It underpins all aspects of positive interactions and activities planned for children.
In the interests of the nursery, the children, their families and the individual we give every staff member the opportunity to develop their skills to their maximum and to broaden their knowledge and skills in caring for children. A comprehensive and targeted programme of professional development ensures practitioners are constantly improving their understanding and practice. High-quality professional supervision is provided, based on individual performance related targets, consistent and sharply focused observation and evaluations of the impact of staff’s practice.
We ensure that 80% of staff are qualified to Level 3 (or equivalent) or above in childcare and education or Early Years Educator. Other staff working at the nursery will either be qualified to Level 2 or undertaking training. Where necessary staff will be supported to achieve GCSE grade C and above in Maths and English for the completion of the Early Years Educator.
We strongly promote continuous professional development and all staff have individual training records and training plans to enhance their skills and expertise, which are based on discussions at supervision meetings and appraisal meetings. We have a training budget which is set annually and reviewed to ensure that the team gain external support and training where needed.
To facilitate the development of staff we:
- Coach, mentor, lead and offer encouragement and support to achieve a high level of morale and motivation
- Promote teamwork through ongoing communication, involvement and a no blame culture to enhance nursery practice
- Provide opportunities for delegation based on skills and expertise to offer recognition and empower staff
- Encourage staff to contribute ideas for change within the nursery and hold regular staff meetings and team meetings to develop these ideas. Regular meetings are also held to discuss strategy, policy and activity planning
- Encourage staff to further their experience and knowledge by attending relevant external training courses
- Encourage staff to pass on their knowledge to those who are less experienced and share knowledge from external training with small groups of staff within the nursery
- Provide regular in-house training relevant to the needs of the nursery
- Carry out regular *monthly/*bi-monthly supervision meetings with all staff. These provide opportunities for staff to discuss any issues particularly concerning children’s development or well-being, identify solutions to address issues as they arise and receive coaching to improve their personal effectiveness. Staff appraisals are carried out *annually/*six monthly where objectives and action plans for staff are set out, while also identifying training needs according to their individual needs
- Develop a training plan that sets out the aims and intended outcomes of any training, addressing both the qualification and continuous professional development needs of the nursery and individual staff
- Carry out training need analyses for all individual staff, the team as a whole, and for the nursery every six months
- Promote a positive learning culture within the nursery
- Offer annual team building training
- Carry out full evaluations of all training events and use these to evaluate the training against the aims set to enable the development of future training programmes to improve effectiveness and staff learning
- Provide inductions to welcome all new staff and assign a ‘work buddy’ to coach, mentor and support new staff
- Offer ongoing support and guidance
- Offer varied information sources including membership of local and national organisations, resources, publications and literature to all staff.
The nursery will support students and volunteers by offering placements in setting as long as it is demonstrated that this will not detrimentally affect the quality of childcare provision offered. Long term students and volunteers can be used to supplement staff: child ratios, however this decision needs to be made by the Early years manager on a case by case basis. The nursery offers a variety of placements to students in the childcare fields, and on occasion offers volunteers the chance to gain experience in a child care setting. In regard to any such placement being agreed the designated staff coordinator will ensure that:
- All students/volunteerson work experience must have an induction for the first week of their placement.
- All students (except work experience) must have notification from their college, or place of study, of Disclosure and Baring service clearance before we are able to accept them on placement.
- Prior to accepting any student on placement they must have an introductory visit to the day care setting. At this visit they will be introduced to the staff who they will be working alongside, and to the Manager/Deputy of the service.
- Students are allocated a mentor to provide guidance and support throughout their placement. It must be pointed out to the student that they must adhere to the nursery’s policies and procedures at all times.
- Students are supported through supervision sessions where s/he will receive information about his/her performance. Where problems arise a placement may be withdrawn if management feel the student is unsuitable to remain in the Nursery.
- All volunteers asking to work in the Nursery must first have an interview with the Manager/Deputy. This is to ascertain if the person is suitable to work in a childcare setting, and also if the person feels that the setting can meet their needs as a volunteer.
- Any volunteer must be asked to undergo the relevant screening checks (DBS), and be asked to supply the names of two referees. They will also be asked to provide information about their skills. • It must be pointed out to the volunteer that they must adhere to the Nursery’s policies and procedures and have an induction.
- All voluntary work in the day care setting will be supervised by the senior in their room and the manager, and will be reviewed on a regular basis.
Volunteers must not work unsupervised during nappy changing or other health and safety matters.
The Nursery will seek to implement equal opportunities in the recruitment, support and development of all staff. The Director will seek to ensure that the
Recruitment policy is fair and equal and does not discriminate on grounds of race, language, sex, disability, social behaviour, age or sexual orientation.
We will work in partnership with parents to ensure that the medical, cultural and dietary needs of children are met. The Nursery will also help children learn about a range of food, cultural approaches to meal times and eating and to respect the differences among them.
The nursery is aware that staff members may become pregnant during their time at the nursery. We as employees are required by law to protect the health and safety of employees who are pregnant as soon as we have been informed of the fact by the employee. Maternity Rights fall into four main categories:
- Time off for Antenatal Care
- Maternity Leave
- Maternity Benefit
- Protection against unfair treatment or dismissal
- Time off for Antenatal Care: All pregnant employees are entitled to time off to keep appointments for antenatal care made with a registered medical practitioner, registered midwife or registered health visitor. The employee must show an appointment card or some other document showing that an appointment has been made. The employee will be paid at the normal rate of pay during this time off.
- Maternity Leave: All pregnant employees are entitled to take up to 52 weeks maternity leave regardless of their length of service. This is made up of 26 weeks of Ordinary maternity leave and 26 weeks of Additional maternity leave. During the 26 weeks of ordinary maternity leave you can do up to 10 days work without losing any Statutory Maternity Pay. At the end of your maternity leave you have the right to return to your original job. If a redundancy situation arises you must be offered a suitable alternative vacancy, if one is available. Additional maternity leave can be taken by all women however during this period your contract of employment continues with limited terms and conditions. Compulsory Maternity Leave means that you may not work for two weeks from the date of childbirth.
- Maternity Benefit: A woman is entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) if she has been employed by the nursery for a continuous period of at least 26 weeks ending with the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth. SMP can be paid for up to 39 weeks, payable by the employer but reimbursed by the state. For the first six weeks the rate is 90% of the average weekly earnings. This is followed by 33 weeks at £135.45 a week. The earliest SMP can start is from the eleventh week before your baby is due. SMP is payable only when you are absent from work. Although it is a weekly benefit it will be paid at the same time as your salary would be paid.
- Protection against unfair treatment or dismissal: It is unlawful for an employer to dismiss an employee, or select her for redundancy in preference to other comparable employees, for reasons connected with:
- Her pregnancy
- Childbirth
- Maternity suspension on health or safety grounds
- Taking, or seeking to take, Ordinary or Additional maternity leave and any of the benefits connected with this leave
These rights apply regardless of an employee’s length of service and whether they are fulltime or part-time employees.
As a pregnant employee at the nursery it is your duty to:
- Give your employer at least 28 days’ notice of the date you want your SMP to start. This will need to be done in writing. You are allowed to change your mind about the date but you must give 28 days’ notice of the new date.
- You should inform your employer in writing of the date you expect your baby and your decision to take maternity leave at the same time as you request your SMP to start.
- You must give your employer medical evidence of the date your baby is due in the form of a maternity certificate you can get from your doctor. You will be able to get this certificate when you reach the 20th week before the baby is due. Your employer cannot pay your SMP without this evidence. You will not receive SMP unless a maternity certificate is provided within three weeks of the start of your maternity pay.
- You must tell your employer about the birth of your baby within 28 days of the date your baby is born. This policy will be reviewed annually and amended according to any change in law/legislation.
This policy was adopted on: November 2015 Signed on behalf of the nursery:
Date for review: June 2018
Staff will be given a 60 minutes break on their normal working day of 8 hours. This break will bring their total day’s hours to 9 hours. All breaks will be unpaid.
Staff will be given the following breaks for the hours worked;
Hours worked. | Break given. |
4 | none |
5 | 10mins |
6 | 60mins |
7 | 60mins |
8 and over | 60mins |
At Fabulous Tots Nursery we give a warm welcome to every child and family on their arrival.
Parents are requested to pass the care of their child to a specific member of staff who will ensure his/her safety (this is usually a child’s key person). The staff member receiving the child immediately records his/her arrival in the daily attendance register. The staff member also records any specific information provided by the parents, including the child’s interests, experiences and observations from home.
If the parent requests the child is given medicine during the day the staff member must ensure that the medication procedure is followed.
If the child is to be collected someone who is not the parent at the end of the session, there is an agreed procedure that must be followed to identify the designated person. Password is required where possible for the designated adult. Parents are informed about these arrangements and reminded about them regularly.
The child’s key person or other nominated staff member must plan the departure of the child. This should include opportunities to discuss the child’s day with the parent, e.g. meals, sleep time, activities, interests, progress and friendships. The parent should be told about any accidents or incidents and the appropriate records must be signed by the parent before departure. Where applicable, all medicines should be recovered from the medicine box/fridge after the parent has arrived and handed to him/her personally. The medication policy is to be followed regarding parental signature.
The nursery will not release a child to anyone other than the known parent unless an agreement has been made at the time of arrival. In the case of any emergency such as a parent being delayed and arranging for a designated adult to collect a child, the parent should inform the designated person of the agreed procedure and contact the nursery about the arrangements as soon as possible. If in any doubt the nursery will check the person’s identity by ringing the child’s parent or their emergency contact number (please refer to the late collection policy).
No persons under the age of 16 will be allowed to collect a child from the setting. Members of Nursery staff are not authorised to collect children from the Nursery unless they are doing so under authorisation from the child’s guardian and are doing so as a member of a “babysitting” agency.
On departure, the staff member releasing the child must mark the child register immediately marked to show that the child has left the premises.
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, companies have a legal requirement to provide a safe working environment for all of their employees.
Anyone who arrives at the nursery clearly under the influence of alcohol will be asked to leave. If it’s a member of staff, the nursery will investigate the matter and will initiate the disciplinary process as a result of which action may be taken, including dismissal. If it’s a parent, the nursery will judge the suitability of the parent to care for the child or may call the second contact on the child’s registration form to collect the child. If a child is thought to be at risk the nursery will follow the safeguarding children/child protection procedure and the police/children’s social services may be called. If anyone arrives at the nursery in a car under the influence of alcohol the police will be contacted. Staff, students, parents, carers, visitors, contractors etc. are asked not to bring alcohol on to the nursery premises.
Safeguarding/child protection
If a parent or carer is clearly over the alcohol limit, or under the influence of illegal drugs and it is believed the child is at risk we will follow our safeguarding/child protection procedures, contact social services and the police.
For arrivals and departures of visitors the nursery requires appropriate records to be completed on entry and exit e.g. in the visitors’ book. Please refer to supervision of visitor’s policy for further information.
At Fabulous Tots Nursery we expect all parents to agree an approximate time to collect their child from the nursery. We give parents information about the procedures to follow if they expect to be late.
These include:
- Agreeing a safety password with the nursery in advance to be used by anyone collecting a child who is not the parent (designated adult)
- Calling the nursery as soon as possible to advise of their situation
- Asking a designated adult to collect their child wherever possible
- Informing the nursery of this person’s identity so the nursery can talk to the child if appropriate. This will help to reduce or eliminate any distress caused by this situation
- If the designated person is not known to the nursery staff, the parent must provide a detailed description of this person, including their date of birth where known. This designated person must know the individual child’s safety password in order for the nursery to release the child into their care. This is the responsibility of the parent.If a child has not been collected from the nursery after a reasonable amount of time 10 minutes has been allowed for lateness, we initiate the following procedure:
- The nursery manager will be informed that a child has not been collected
- The manager will check for any information regarding changes to normal routines, parents’ work patterns or general information. If there is no information recorded, the manager will try to contact the parents on the telephone numbers provided for their mobile, home or work. If this fails the manager will try the emergency contacts shown on the child’s records
- The manager/staff member in charge and one other member of staff must stay behind with the child (if outside normal operating hours). During normal operating times, the nursery will plan to meet required staff ratios. If the parents have still not collected the child, the manager will telephone all contact numbers available every 10 minutes until contact is made. These calls will be logged on a full incident record
- In the event of no contact being made after one hour has lapsed, the person in charge will ring the local authority children’s social services emergency duty team
- The nursery will inform Ofsted as soon as convenient
- The two members of staff will remain in the building until suitable arrangements have been made for the collection of the child
- The child’s welfare and needs will be met at all times and to minimise distress staff will distract, comfort and reassure the child during the process
- In order to provide this additional care a late fee of £10 will be charged to parents. This will pay for any additional operational costs that caring for a child outside their normal nursery hours may incur.
Contact numbers:
Name | Contact No |
Social Services Emergency Duty Team | 0208 854 8888 |
Ofsted | 0300 123 1231 |
Mobile phone and social network
At Fabulous Tots Nursery we promote the safety and welfare of all children in our care. We believe our staff should be completely attentive during their hours of working to ensure all children in the nursery receive good quality care and education. To ensure the safety and well-being of children we do not allow staff to use personal mobile phones during working hours. We use mobile phones supplied by the nursery to provide a means of contact in certain circumstances, such as outings.
We require our staff to be responsible and professional in their use of social networking sites in relation to any connection to the nursery, nursery staff, parents or children. We ask parents and visitors to respect and adhere to our policy.
Staff must adhere to the following:
- Mobile phones are either turned off or on silent and not accessed during your working hours
- Mobile phones can only be used on a designated break and then this must be away from the children
- Mobile phones should be stored safely in staff lockers or office at all times during the hours of your working day
- During outings, staff will use mobile phones belonging to the nursery wherever possible. Photographs must not be taken of the children on any phones, either personal or nursery owned
- Staff must not post anything on to social networking sites such as Facebook that could be construed to have any impact on the nursery’s reputation or relate to the nursery or any children attending the nursery in any way
- Staff must not post anything on to social networking sites that could offend any other member of staff or parent using the nursery
- If staff choose to allow parents to view their page on social networking sites this relationship must remain professional at all times
- If any of the above points are not followed then the member of staff involved will face disciplinary action, which could result in dismissal.
Whilst we recognise that there may be emergency situations which necessitate the use of a mobile telephone, in order to ensure the safety and welfare of children in our care and share information about the child’s day, parents and visitors are kindly asked to refrain from using their mobile telephones whilst in the nursery or when collecting or dropping off their children.
We promote the safety and welfare of all staff and children and therefore ask parents and visitors not to post, publically or privately, information about any child on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.We ask all parents and visitors to follow this policy to ensure that information about children, images and information do not fall into the wrong hands.
Parents/visitors are invited to share any concerns regarding inappropriate use of social media through the official procedures (please refer to the partnership with parents policy, complaints procedures and grievance policy)’.
Each staff member will be provided with a locker in which to store his/her outdoor clothing and personal possessions while s/he is on duty. Mobile phones and cameras other than those belonging to the nursery are never to be taken into the children’s rooms
At all times our staff will attend work dressed in a way which is comfortable, but appropriate to the work environment, and is in keeping with the role which they will undertake. Staff will not dress in a manner that contravenes health, hygiene, safety or decency, and Nursery reserves the right to ask staff members to change/vary their attire if inappropriate.
Staff will adhere to the following when dressing for work:
- Long hair (shoulder length and longer) will be tied back when handling/serving food or changing nappies.
- In the nursery rooms soft slippers (with backs) will be worn when indoors.
- Jewellery is worn at the staff’s own risk and should be as unobtrusive as possible, and any jewellery that presents a safety hazard should be removed.
- Black trousers and nursery uniform must be worn
- Staff must not wear nail varnish.
All nursery staff will:
- Recognise the importance of punctuality & reliability to the smooth running of the nursery, and that excessive lateness can result in disciplinary action.
- Always carry out duties and responsibilities to the best of their ability.
- Always put the needs of any children and babies in their care first.
- Deal fairly and politely with parents, carers and their colleagues.
- Always act with honesty and integrity.
- Raise concerns/issues with involved staff members only.
- Be confident and competent in the implementation of the nursery’s policies and procedures.
- Recognise the possible effect of their outside activities (including social networking websites) on the nursery’s reputation and not allow these to affect the nursery in a negative manner.
All babies have individual feeding schedules. The pattern established at home will be adopted within the nursery. The nursery supports all mothers who wish to continue breastfeeding their babies and we will provide private facilities for these Parents. During the weaning period our staff will work closely with Parents/Carers, to ensure that the weaning process meets the needs of the child. Government guidelines state that babies should not be weaned onto solid food until they are at least six months old. If, however, you choose to do this earlier we encourage you to discuss this with your child’s health visitor/GP first.
Babies should be given new foods at home before they are given to them at nursery in case of any allergic reactions. Please discuss your child’s diet with their key person or senior member of staff in the room and keep them up to date regularly. The Nursery does not recommend “baby led weaning”, however if a parent/carer chooses to follow this practice they do so at their own risk. Where the Nursery provides food, it will be freshly cooked, and will be prepared in a blender or processor. The Nursery will not provide commercially prepared foods. Parents/Carers may provide commercially prepared foods if it is their wish to do so.
Bottle feeding babies: Babies must be supervised at all times when they are feeding.
- Bottles should only be prepared in the milk kitchen.
- Bottles need to be kept in the fridge in the milk kitchen.
- Staff should check the details of the child whose bottle is being made.
- Bottles are to be labelled individually.
- Bottles should be sterilised before they are made following the instructions displayed in the milk kitchen.
- Bottles should be made in accordance with the guidance provided with the formula.
- Staff must wear aprons when preparing bottles and wash their hands before and after.
- Once bottles are cool they need to be put into the fridge until they are needed.
- Bottles will never be reheated in a microwave oven. Bottles, which need to be warmed, will be reheated in jugs of hot water, which are to be kept in the milk kitchen and must not be taken out of this area.
Fabulous Tots Nursery works in partnership with parents in the delivery of care for babies and toddlers.
- Care should be taken to ensure that babies / toddlers do not have access to activities containing small pieces, which could be swallowed or otherwise injure the child
- Potties should be washed and disinfected after every use
- Babies under two should not be given pillows, cot bumpers or any soft furnishing to prevent risk of suffocation
- All highchairs should be fitted with restraints and used at all times
- Babies should never be left propped up with bottles as it is both dangerous and inappropriate
- Sleep checks to be completed every 10 minutes. These are to be documented with the time and staff initials on the sleep check form
Bottle feeding
- Fabulous Tots Nursery sterilizes all infant feeding utensils to reduce contamination
- Hands are washed before preparing feeds
- Test the temperature of the feed by dropping a little on to the inside of your wrist
- Throw away any leftover milk
Storage of bottle feeds
The risk of contamination is reduced if:
- Bottles are made up freshly for each feed
- Left over milk is thrown away
Feeding babies breast milk
Fabulous Tots Nursery works in partnership with parents. We promote breast feeding and bottle feeding. The baby unit will provide a private area for breast feeding.
- Feeding bottles, teats, tear caps, jugs and plastic knives are sterilized up to one year of age. They are cleaned thoroughly, inside and out, in warm soapy water, using a teat brush and bottle brush, and rinsed in cold water before being sterilized
Sterilizing tablets are used to sterilize baby equipment. All feeding equipment is immersed in the solution, making sure it is completely covered, with no air bubbles.
Making up a feed
- Bottles are made up freshly each day
- Surface area is cleaned before the preparation of bottles
- Hands are washed
- Sterilized bottles should be rinsed with cooled boiled water
- Teats and caps are placed on the upturned lid of the sterilizer
- Cooled boiled water is put into bottles first
- Manufactures guidelines are always followed
- A loosely filled scoop of milk powder is leveled. Only one scoop of powder to 30mls or 1oz water
- Add milk powder to the water
- Holding the edge of the teat put it into the bottle
- Screw the retaining ring onto the bottle
- Cover the teat with a cap. Shake the bottle until the powder is dissolved
Storing breast milk
- Expressed breast milk can be stored in a fridge for up to 1 days or in a freezer for 3 months. It is not recommended that milk is stored in the icebox of the fridge as the ice box does not maintain the low temperature of a freezer
- Make sure bottles are clearly labeled with the child’s name and date and used only for the named child
Defrosting and warming breast milk
- The safest way to defrost breast milk is to remove it from the freezer several hours before it is needed and to thaw it in the fridge
- If needed quickly, it can be defrosted under cool, then warm, running water
- Defrosted breast milk should never be refrozen
- If defrosted in the fridge, milk should be given to the baby within 12 hours and kept in the fridge until used
- Milk defrosted outside the fridge should be used straight away
- Many babies are happy to take milk straight from the fridge. Milk from the fridge may be warmed by pouring into a beaker, cup or bottle to be used for feeding, place this in a container of warm water for a few minutes. Once it has been warmed to room temperature, it should be used immediately or thrown away
A microwave should not be used for defrosting or to warm breast milk. Any leftover breast milk must be returned to the parent at the end of the day.
At Fabulous Tots Nursery we believe that mealtimes should be happy, social occasions for children and staff alike. We promote shared, enjoyable positive interactions at these times.
We are committed to offering children healthy, nutritious and balanced meals and snacks which meet individual needs and requirements.
We will ensure that:
- A balanced and healthy breakfast, midday meal, tea and two daily snacks are provided for children attending a full day at the nursery
- Menus are planned in advance, rotated regularly and reflect cultural diversity and variation. These are displayed for children and parents to view
- We provide nutritious food at all snack and meal times, avoiding large quantities of fat, sugar, salt and artificial additives, preservatives and colourings
- Menus include at least five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables per day
- Parents and children are involved in menu planning
- Fresh drinking water is always available and accessible. It is frequently offered to children and babies and intake is monitored. In hot weather staff will encourage children to drink more water to keep them hydrated
- Individual dietary requirements are respected. We gather information from parents regarding their children’s dietary needs, including any special dietary requirements, preferences and food allergies that a child has and any special health requirements, before a child starts or joins the nursery. Where appropriate we will carry out a risk assessment in the case of allergies and work alongside parents to put into place an individual dietary plan for their child
- We give careful consideration to seating to avoid cross contamination of food from child to child. Where appropriate an adult will sit with children during meals to ensure safety and minimise risks. Where appropriate, age/stage discussions will also take place with all children about allergies and potential risks to make them aware of the dangers of sharing certain foods
- Staff show sensitivity in providing for children’s diets and allergies. They do not use a child’s diet or allergy as a label for the child, or make a child feel singled out because of her/his diet or allergy
- Staff set a good example and eat with the children and show good table manners. Meal and snack times are organised so that they are social occasions in which children and staff participate in small groups. During meals and snack times children are encouraged to use their manners and say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and conversation is encouraged
- Staff use meal and snack times to help children to develop independence through making choices, serving food and drink, and feeding themselves. Staff support children to make healthy choices and understand the need for healthy eating
- We provide foods from the diet of each of the children’s cultural backgrounds, providing children with familiar foods and introducing them to new ones. Cultural differences in eating habits are respected
- Any child who shows signs of distress at being faced with a meal he/she does not like will have his/her food removed without any fuss. If a child does not finish his/her first course, he/she will still be given a helping of dessert
- Children not on special diets are encouraged to eat a small piece of everything
- Children who refuse to eat at the mealtime are offered food later in the day
- Children are given time to eat at their own pace and not rushed
- Quantities offered take account of the ages of the children being catered for in line with recommended portion sizes for babies and young children
- We promote positive attitudes to healthy eating through play opportunities and discussions
- The nursery provides parents with daily written records of feeding routines for all under two children
- No child is ever left alone when eating/drinking to minimise the risk of choking
- We will sometimes celebrate special occasions such as birthdays with the occasional treat of foods such as cake, sweets or biscuits. These will be given at mealtimes to prevent tooth decay and not spoil the child’s appetite. Where we have frequent birthdays and celebrations we consider other alternatives such as celebrating through smiles and praise, stickers and badges, choosing a favourite story, becoming a special helper, playing a party game, dancing and/or singing their favourite song
- We *do or do not* allow parents to bring in cakes on special occasions. We ensure that all food brought in from parents meets the above and health and safety requirements and ingredients that are listed within the FIR 2014 and detailed in the allergens policy and procedure
- All staff who prepare and handle food are competent to do so and receive training in food hygiene which is updated every three years
- In the very unlikely event of any food poisoning affecting two or more children on the premises, whether or not this may arise from food offered at the nursery, we will inform Ofsted as soon as reasonably practical and in all cases within 14 days . We will also inform the relevant health agencies and follow any advice given.
- Parents/carers must supply dietary and medical information upon registration detailing any special diets or food allergies.
- All staff including the cook and kitchen staff will be made aware of any special diets or food allergies relating to the children.
- Information on special diets and allergies will be kept in a pre- identified place within the rooms as well in the kitchen.
- All staff to be trained in Emergency First Aid.
At Fabulous Tots Nursery we have a policy of providing a healthy balanced diet, including fresh fruit and vegetables. For a full copy of our food policy please see a member of staff. We also offer a vegetarian alternative and cater for children with food allergies. The menus are displayed in each room.
Meal times should be happy, social occasions for staff and children alike. Children attending the Nursery full time will receive 3 meals a day along with mid-morning snack of fresh fruits and milk. Access to drinking water and fresh milk is freely available throughout the day.
- Breakfast is served between 7:00-8:00 am and it will consist of a variety of cereal and toast. A hot 2 meal course lunch will be serve between 12:00-1:00pm and tea is served at 4:00pm.
- Please DO NOT allows your children to bring in sweets, chocolates, crisps, fizzy drinks etc. to the Nursery.
- Babies will be fed formula milk as specified and supplied by parents/carers, and the times and amount taken will be recorded.
In addition to milk, when a baby if being weaned, we work closely with the parents, and we ask that parents supply the baby’s food until the baby is fully weaned. Older babies will be offered the meals that have been prepared on the premises in prior discussion with the parents/Carers in relation to nay special dietary requirements/food allergies.
Please can parents keep us informed of any changes in your child’s dietary needs including food allergies so records can be updated and amendments made if required.Cow’s milk will be offered to children 1 and over, drinking water is freely available throughout the day.
The sharing of refreshments and meals can play an important part in the social life of the Nursery, as well as reinforcing children’s understanding of the importance of healthy eating.
The Nursery welcomes and actively promotes the celebration of events special to the children including their birthdays and religious/cultural festivals. The Nursery will provide cakes for children’s birthdays and parents/carers are welcome to plan this with their keyperson. This allows the Nursery to ensure the cakes are freshly made, do not contain nuts/other allergens, and we hope is more convenient for busy parents/carers. If parents/carers would like to provide party bags for their child to share with their friends, we ask these are given to the staff to hand out and not given directly by the parent or child to others.
The staff can then offer these bags to each parent so that they may decide what/when their child can have. We encourage parents/carers to share ideas for celebrating festivals with food, and the Nursery has a dedicated member of staff to research these. Please be aware that due to the allergies to nuts being common and the results severe, the Nursery is a strict nut free zone and children will never be given nuts or anything that may contain nut products. Parents/carers are asked to respect this and ensure they do not bring/allow their children to come into Nursery, with anything that may contain nuts.
One of the rooms in the nursery have an area with soft furnishings that is quiet, and restful, so children who wish to, may play quietly.
Each child under three will be provided with a cot/sleep mat with individual bedding if they need to sleep, and older children provide with an area for them to rest in after lunch.
- Children will be allowed to sleep with comforters, but staff will need to remain alert as to how these are used.
- If a child has to be woken this should be done gently, and the child will need to be allowed to orientate at their own pace.
- Children will always be supervised while they are sleeping, and will be checked every ten minutes, this check is then recorded. Staff supervising sleeps should find quiet activities to do in the area.
- The length of time a child has slept for should be recorded on the sleep sheet, and this information should be available to parents at the end of the day.
- Infants in cots should be placed to sleep lying on their back in the ‘feet to foot’ position. This ensures that the baby will not wriggle under the covers, and will be able to regulate their body temperature
- Room Temperature should ideally be between 18-21°C.
- Babies should be undressed to their vests and blankets added appropriate to the room temperature.
- Duvets and pillows should not be used with the under threes.
- Each child should have an individual sleep mat/cot and placed in a head to foot formation with the children next to them to avoid cross contamination.
- No child will share a cot or bed on a single day.
- Sheets and blankets should be stored with the child’s individual beds.
- The cots in the baby rooms are available for babies who require them.
- Dropped dummies must not be replaced into a child’s mouth, and should be sterilised before being reused.
- Children should be allowed by staff to bring in favourite toys and comforts from home, but the nursery cannot accept any responsibility for damage or loss of the personal belongings of the children in our care. Staff should encourage separation from these items which is at the child’s pace to allow him/her to feel secure. Staff will be aware that children vary in their need to sleep and rest, and should always be allowed to sleep when they need to. No child will be forced to sleep/rest.
It is important to a child’s development of personal and social skills that they are introduced to good personal hygiene routines as early as possible. The nursery has routines to support effective personal hygiene practices, including nappy changing and bathroom procedures. Independent hand washing, using liquid soap, before and after snacks, meals and messy activities, should start as soon as a child is able. Children who are not yet independent should be supported by staff in washing and drying their hands. Support must be given as children progress through potty training and on to using the toilet. Staff must encourage children’s independence as soon as possible, but should always be on hand to support the child in the toilet routine.
Potties must be emptied immediately after use. They must then be rinsed, sprayed with antibacterial spray, and dried.. Bathrooms should be checked routinely to make sure that the required equipment is available, and that the toilet area is free of water spills, unflushed toilets etc. This task should be completed by each member of the staff team as he/she supervises children in the toilet area. Children will never visit the bathroom unaccompanied unless they can be observed from the main playroom by a member of staff, and will be reminded to wash their hands after toileting. Staff should ensure that toilet roll, soap, towels and face cloths will be in easy reach.
Nappy changing and toileting are private and intimate procedures and a time for enhancing the relationship between staff and child. The experience is positive, unhurried and chatty, a time for quality 1 to 1 interaction between the child and key person.
- Staffs respect the child’s feelings, including fears, about toileting and work in partnership with parents/carers to ensure that this part of a child’s daily routine is handled sensitively and in accordance with each child’s needs.
- Parents advise staff if wipes can safely be used and supply cream when required.
- Parents are asked to provide a supply of nappies/pull ups for their child; staff will inform them when more are needed.
- If possible, the child’s key person will change their nappy/pants. However, it is recognised that this is not always possible. A second adult will always be informed when taking a child to the toilet area. A second adult will be present if cream is to be applied.
- Before changing a child’s nappy/pants, the member of staff will put on an apron and gloves and ensure the changing area is clean & safe. A child is never left unattended on the changing mat.
- Soiled nappies, wipes, used gloves and aprons will be disposed of in the appropriate
- A record is kept of when a child has had their nappy/pants changed and whether it was wet and/or soiled. Evidence of nappy rash is recorded too. Children’s clothes are checked and changed if necessary.
The changing mat is cleaned with anti-bacterial spray immediately after use.
The Nursery aims to protect its staff and it’s users in every possible way. In view of this we aim to provide guidance to minimise the transfer of infectious disease as the result of interpersonal contact, and use NHS guidance with regard to exclusion periods. We acknowledge the difficulties working parents/carers face, but the well being of individual children and those around them will be the main concern of the childcare staff. We ask parents/carers to support us in this position by not bringing their child for if they are ill. If asked to collect their child we expect the parent/carer, or a person agreed by them and the. Manager to arrive within an hour. The nursery will always advise parents/carers to seek medical advice if a child is unwell but this is their choice.
In the event of a child becoming ill, the key person will make the child comfortable and will inform the Parent/Carer that they will monitor the child’s condition. At this point the Parent/Carer can make the decision to collect or receive regular updates. If a child’s condition is such that they require medical treatment/caring for in the home setting, the keyperson will contact the Parent/Carer to collect them. If the child becomes seriously ill, the child must be taken immediately to the Emergency Department of the hospital by ambulance and Parents/Carers must be informed. A staff member will accompany the child to hospital, and will remain with the child until Parents/Carers arrive at the hospital. If in an emergency it is deemed faster to transport the child by licenced taxi this is permitted but staff must take into account the medical needs of the child. Children must never be transported by private (including staff) vehicle.
In order to prevent infectious disease control all staff must adhere to the following procedure in their daily work:
- All open wounds, cuts, and abrasions must be covered with a clean dressing.
- Disposable gloves must be worn when handling blood, vomit, wounds, urine, faeces, or any other body fluid.
- Any body fluids must be cleared wearing gloves and aprons using disposable towel and an anti-bacterial solution. These must then placed into a yellow “clinical waste” bag and disposed of in the designated outside bin as with all nappy waste.
- If body fluids splash onto children’s or staff’s skin, this must be immediately washed off with water and anti-bacterial soap.
- Contaminated clothing must be placed into a plastic bag, sealed, and stored safely out of the reach of children. Excess soiling may be sluiced off if necessary. Clothing will be given to Parents/Carers immediately on their arrival, or will be washed so that they are not left lying in childcare rooms for any length of time. In the case of sever contamination we reserve the right to dispose of the clothing.
When assessing children, staff must take into account the usual condition/personality of the individual, their medical needs, and factors that may affect them (lack of sleep, teething, temp of room, what they have eaten etc)
The nursery manager reserves the right to adjust the following guidelines at times of a particular outbreak of sickness.
Situation | Staff action
A child has a temperature of 38º Celsius +
Monitor and record every 10 minutes while cooling the child by adjusting clothing, sips
of water.
A child has a temperature of 38º Celsius + for a period of 30 mins +
Parent/carer will be called to advise them of the situation so that they can collect if they wish.
A child has a temperature of 39º Celsius +
Parent/carer will be contacted to inform and staff will monitor and record every 10minutes while cooling the child by adjustingclothing, sips of water.
A child has a temperature of 39º
Celsius + for a period of 30 mins +
Parent/carer will be contacted to collect
their child. Child then be excluded (see below)
A child has two very loose bowel
movements in a 6 hour period |
Parent/carer will be called to advise them of
the situation so that they can collect if they wish.
A child has a third very loose bowel
movements in a 8 hour period
Parent/carer will be contacted to collect
their child. Child then be excluded (see below)
A child vomits once for any reason
Parent/carer will be called to advise them of
the situation so that they can collect if they wish.
A child vomits twice and it is suspected
to be due to gastro problem.
Parent/carer will be contacted to collect
their child. Child then be excluded (see below)
A child has an unexplained
Parent/carer will be called to advise them of
the situation so that they can collect/seek medical advice if they wish.
A child shows symptoms of a recognisable sickness
Parent/carer will be contacted to collect their child. The child will then be excluded for the appropriate time period.
CHICKEN POX: | Until spots have crusted over
GERMAN MEASLES/RUBELLA AND MEASLES: | Minimum of 6 days after rash appears.
HEAD LICE: | Until treatment has commenced.
IMPETIGO: | Until spots have crusted over.
For 5 days after the swelling first appears.
RINGWORM or THREADWORM: | Until treatment has commenced, affected area must be covered.
SCARLET FEVER: | For at least 48 hours once antibiotics have been started.
DIARRHOEA/VOMITING: | If due to (or suspected) Gastro bugs (i.e., not travel sickness or allergy related), 48 hours after the last episode.
HIGH TEMPERATURE: | Until temperature is normal and the child is well for 24 hours
This list is not exhaustive and other illnesses may be subject to exclusion periods and the Nursery will take medical advice regarding this if needed.
Medicines and anti-biotic will only be given to a child when they have been prescribed to them by their G.P or pharmacist. If a child has been prescribed antibiotics, they must have been taking them for 48 hours before they can return to nursery. This is to ensure that they have had a chance to build up their strength, but also in case of them having any reaction to the medication. Any repeat prescriptions within a three week period will be treated as part of the same course and the child will not be excluded again, as long as they have taken them while at nursery previously.
Parents/Carers must give signed permission for staff to administer medicine to their child on a daily basis, as required. A member of staff should fill in a medication form with the Parent/Carer to ensure that they have the necessary information.
When a Parent/Carer requests that medication should be given to their child staff should find out:
- Why the child needs the medication
- How and when the medication should be administered
- What dosage should be administered
- Staff should check all prescribed medication is within `shelf life’ date.
Medication must be given with two staff in attendance and recorded on the appropriate medicine form. If a parent administers medication in the nursery setting, this must bewitnessed and recorded by a member of staff. Both staff members must check the details on the medication form, against the medication being given, and both will sign the form after the medication has been administered. This is to ensure that the correct dosage is given at the correct time to the correct child.
All medicines will be stored according to labelled instructions and will be kept securely out of children’s reach. Medication that is to be used on a “when needed” basis (e.g. inhalers, piriton) will have a “long-term medication” form that parents will fill out and will be signed by staff & parents when it has been administered. It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to ensure their child’s medication is up to date and an up to date care plan (from a medical professional and that has been signed by the Early Years Manager) is in place, however the child’s keyperson has a duty to check this medication on a regular basis to ensure it is safe for use.
Training must be sought for any medication that needs specific application (i.e. epi-pen, rectal diazepam) before the setting agrees to administer. No staff member will be put in a position of having to administer a medication without the adequate training, and a child maybe refused admission if the correct medication has not been supplied by the parent/carer.
Parents/Carers must sign the form when they collect their child from the day care service.This will confirm that they know that the medication has been administered.Unprescibed “external medication” (e.g. creams, eye drops, nasal sprays) are permitted foruse when required, but staff will still ask for parents/carers to document these.
All staff and parents/carers must be aware that if a child needs to be given Paracetomolor Ibuprofen (prescribed or not) they are too ill to be at nursery.
Children who have been given such medication at home will be admitted but will besent home at the first sign of a return of any symptom.A parent may be allowed to administer these drugs up to once a day if staff agree thatthe child needs it for teething pains.
Allergies to certain foods can be particularly acute. If a child suffers from a food allergy afull risk assessment will be completed on an individual basis between the keyperson andparent/carer.
The keyperson will then:
- Make sure all staff know which children suffer from an allergy, and to which food.
- Make sure all staff and are made aware of the potential hazards from the use of severeallergens such as nuts and nut products in training sessions and notices.
- Pass information about those children suffering severe allergic reactions to the chefand those who supervise children during mealtimes.
- Clearly label any foods that may be an allergen to a child in that room.
- Be aware of accidentally transferring food from one dish to another while serving.
- Obtain information from the chef as to whether ingredients or flavourings used in theirproducts contain allergens.
- Be responsible for ensuring the child is fed the correct food although the final
- responsibility of the person feeding the child (this should be the keyperson when at allpossible).
Please be aware that due to the allergies to nuts being common and the results
severe, the Nursery is a strict nut free zone and children will never be given nuts ornut products.Parents/carers are asked to respect this and ensure they do not bring/allow theirchildren to come into Nursery, with anything that may contain nuts.
The Nursery is committed to ensuring that all children are fully protected from the damagers of too much sun. Severe sunburn in childhood can lead to the development of malignant melanoma (the most dangerous type of skin cancer) in later life.
The following guidelines are for the prevention and care of children in the sun:
- children must have a clearly marked sun hat
- children must have their own sun block cream named and dated with written consent for staff to apply
- children need light weight cotton clothing suitable for the sun
- children will wear a sun hat when outside on sunny days
- children will have cream applied before going outside
- children are offered cooler water more frequently throughout the day
- Children will go out between 8am-11am& after 3pm when it is too hot. , until we get Shade in the garden with canopies.
- Staff to wear sun hats to encourage children to wear them & to Procter themselves.
- Children will be encouraged to take part in activities to be educated about keeping safe in the safe in the sun.
The nursery provides a physical environment, which will encourage positive growth, anddevelopment, for children through opportunities to explore and learn. We will take steps toensure that each environment is safe, and will support child care staff in their work withchildren. Safe working practice notices are present in each room ensure that the premisespresent no issues in terms of health and safety. These risk assessments will be reviewed bythe health and safety officer on a regular basis and any necessary steps will be put in place toaddress issues as they arise. All staff are responsible for ensuring that the play environment is safe for children on an ongoing basis according to these safe working practices. Anyproblems must be reported to the Nursery’s health and safety coordinator or Early yearsmanager as soon as possible.
A qualified electrician will check all electrical equipment and appliances as required by theCollege’s fire Safety Officer, and a written record is maintained of these checks having takenplace (PAT Testing).
It is the responsibility of the designated senior member of staff at the end of each day toensure that the nursery is correctly secured and the intruder alarm is set.
All outings are risk assessed as well as any specific activities that the Early years managerconsiders necessary.
If any staff plan to work alone in the nursery while it is closed they must first receivepermission from the Early Years Manager, when theyenter and leave the building. This ensures not only security of the nursery, but means that inthe event of an accident/incident others are aware of their presence.
Safety equipment for staff to access high shelves etc is supplied by the Nursery and it is eachmember of staff’s responsibility that they:
- Check the equipment is in good working order before use.
- Use the equipment in the correct manner for its intended use.
- Ask for help if they are physically unable to reach an item.
Staff are given guidance on the correct way to lift loads (including children) and are asked touse these techniques at all times.If there is a reason as to why they cannot lift reasonable loads, it is the individual member ofstaff’s duty to raise this with the Manager who will discuss with them the risk’s involved andagree alternative ways of working.
If required (as with Pregnancy) a nursery risk assessment will be completed and passed ontothe Occupational Health Service.Staff should never lift any load that they feel is excessive, and seek assistance/use equipmentprovided. If it is still then deemed to heavy another staff member must beinformed to see if they can assist.
Staff must make sure that the environment the equipment/child is being moved is safe forthem and others to do so. At no time should staff attempt to move equipment while alsoholding children, and only one child should be picked up at a time and two hands should beused to do this.
As a guide, staff should think of T.I.L.E;
Task – does something need moving? Where to?
Individual – does the person moving it have the physical strength/stamina?
Load – is it safe in terms of the weight/size of the object?
Environment – is the area clear so the load can be moved safely?
Age appropriate toys and equipment are provided for all the children using the nursery whichare purchased from approved early years suppliers, however we also use natural materialsand equipment (wooden dolly pegs, spoons, tins) which staff will ensure are safe for use.Staff are expected to be aware on a continuous basis of the quality of the equipment they areusing. Toys and equipment must be checked by staff on a daily basis to ensure that they areclean and safe for use and anything which have been damaged during the course of thechildren’s activities should be mended if possible or discarded.
New equipment should be purchased when necessary. Staff will advise the manager/deputyof equipment needs as they arise. The manager/deputy will be responsible for prioritising thepurchase of equipment according to needs and funding.Donations of second hand toys can be accepted if the equipment is in good condition.
The nursery has a clear and regularly rehearsed fire evacuation procedure, which is familiarto both staff and to children, and is clearly displayed throughout the building. The nurserymeets the requirements set by the Fire Safety Service, and will have annual risk assessmentscarried out by the College’s Fire Officer.
All fire points are clearly labelled and adequate fire extinguishers and fire blankets areavailable at identified points around the premises, and inspected annually by an appointedprofessional, but staff are not require to fight any fire only to ensure the safety of the childrenin their care. All staff will assist in the evacuation of the children, and staff will under nocircumstances re-enter the building once evacuated.
The following procedure must be used:
- In the event of discovering a fire, the alarm must be raised by a staff member by
- pushing the button at one of the call points.
- In the event of failure of the Nursery’s fire alarm system all staff will be notified
- immediately, and if discovering fire they must raise the alarm using the whistle in thehall next to the fire call point. Upon hearing the whistle each room should use theirown to spread the alarm before evacuating. The most senior member of staff will thencall 999 to alert the fire service. Any problems with the system will be reportedimmediately to the College’s Estates department who will inform the security staff.
- Upon hearing the alarm, the priority of staff in the event of fire is to make sure that allchildren are escorted off the premises. Staff are expected to assist with this regardlessof their activity at the time (including lunch breaks). The children must be calmlygathered together by staff. Small babies must be placed in evacuation cots.
- The most senior member of staff must collect the evacuation pack (kept in the bottomlocker in the office) which includes emergency contacts, first aid kit & mobile phone.They will then check all rooms, toilets, and potential ‘hiding places’ while closingwindows and doors as they exit the building.
- A member of staff in each room must collect the children’s sign in sheet/register andbring this to the assembly point.
- The children must be taken out of the building using the nearest exit, which includesdoors to any outdoor play area.
- The chef and any other staff or visitors leave the building; assisting others wherenecessary. Staff that are covering in rooms must help evacuate the room they are in atthe time.
- Staff must escort the children to the pre-arranged assembly point at the gates to theUnion square on Bancroft Road registers will be checked once at the assembly point bythe most senior member of staff.
- If it is not safe to re enter the nursery, the children will be taken into the Student Unionback bar (not in use during Nursery hours) via the teaching rooms entrance on Bancroftroad to await collection by parents/carers. Senior staff/fire marshals all have access into this building but must only use it in this instance. Senior staff/fire marshals willhave keys to switch on the emergency lighting in bar and the most senior member ofstaff/fire marshal must enter the area before the children to turn it on and check that thearea is clear & safe before the children enter.
- Children must be comforted until it is deemed by the College’s security team safeenough to return to the building or until parents/carers arrive.
- Staff will at all times follow this procedure unless directed differently by the Nursery’sfire wardens (EYM, DEYM & health & safety officer), College security or a member xz sdcft of the fire service.
- Any children/adults with a sensory impairment or a special need that use/work in thenursery will have guidance for their evacuation needs written into a personalevacuation plans (PEP) and all staff will be made aware of these.
- All drills will be recorded in the Fire Log Book held in the office and any issues arising mustbe dealt with immediately. The Deputy Manager is responsible for ensuring that the dailyregister is kept up to date, and each room senior must ensure that children must be signed inand out by staff on their room register. All staff must sign in and out of the buildingthroughout the day and visitors must be asked to sign in and out in the book at reception.These steps are designed to ensure that, in the event of an emergency, a full record is at handof all people in the building.
Parents are asked to telephone the Nursery/ Manager and Deputy’s mobile on hearing of anyextreme emergency situation. If they cannot contact the Nursery for any reason they shouldlisten to the media for advice.In the event of the nursery building becoming unsafe for any reason, we will evacuate thechildren to the car park and contact parents/carers to collect their children.
In the event of a situation in which the nursery is the safest place for the children, we will“lock down” restricting access to the nursery and keeping the children indoors. Parents willbe contacted and depending on the situation asked to collect their children, if it is safer forthem to remain where they staff will be required to stay at the nursery until ratios allow themto leave. If a parent cannot get to the Nursery immediately, due to major transport closures,the Nursery will remain open until they or an elected person can collect their child. If we areunable to contact a parent the third emergency contact will be asked to collect their child.
If we have to remain open beyond our normal hour’s we will request that staff stay for aslong as needed. A member of the management team will always stay behind. If othermembers of staff cannot stay beyond their normal hours it may be necessary for adult: childratios to be breached in this extreme circumstance. If additional food is required a member ofstaff will purchase food from the local supermarket.
In the case of the nursery being unable to open and staff being able to get to the nursery dueto bad weather etc, the management who keep copies of contact details at home willendeavour to contact parents as soon as possible by text or E mail to let them know.
If an accident occurs that results in an injury, a first aid assessment would be carried out.Depending on the injury sustained, first Aid will be administered by a qualified first aider,ambulance requested, and the parent/carer contacted. The parent/carer where possible, willaccompany the child to hospital, together with a member of staff.
Most of our Nursery staff are trained in paediatric first aid, and there is also one first aid at worktrained first aider. The designated health & safety coordinator has responsibility to ensurethat first aid kits are regularly checked and restocked after use.
First aid kits must be stored out of the reach of children, but in a place which is easilyaccessible to staff member. The first aid point should have a sign displayed to let staff andusers know where it is. Each activity room has a first aid kit.Thermometers, eyewash, disposable gloves, anti-bacterial spray, and absorbent powder forbody fluids should be stored alongside the First Aid kits.The member of staff dealing with the injury must complete an accident/incident record.
Reports should be written up for all children involved in the incident. The report must beshown to the parents/carers of the individual children involved on the day of the incident,who will be asked to sign the record and given a copy. Each child’s report is confidential,and other children involved in the incident will not be mentioned on the form or discussed.
Staff must inform parents/carers on the day so that they are aware of any injury that maypotentially arise or deteriorate later.Staff must remember that they are subject to confidentiality and regardless of an injuredchild’s ability to name another child involved the staff member should not confirm who elsewas involved.The parent/carer will be given additional information if a head injury has occurred.
If a child’s injury results in a hospital visit or further medical treatment that the Nursery isaware of, a further more detailed report should be compiled including any treatment.
If a child has to stay in hospital overnight as a result of an accident at Nursery, the nursery’shealth and safety department and Ofsted must be informed within 24 hours.
The Nursery is committed to the protection of the environment, and to the creation ofenvironmentally friendly work practices in all of our workplace settings. We recognise andencourage the contribution every employee can make towards improving environmentalperformance within our services.
Wherever possible:
- Aerosols will be avoided, but if unavoidable will be free of CFC’s and will be disposed ofby an approved environmentally friendly route.
- Plastics will be used which are environmentally sound, and efforts will be made to limitthe use of plastics in general terms.
- Natural and replenish able materials to be used in activities.
- Staff will be encouraged to have equipment mended, and this is in line with health andsafety requirements, rather than to replace the equipment.
- Refuse will be sorted and recycled for appropriate disposal.
- Refrigeration equipment which is newly purchased will be environmentally sound, andold equipment will be disposed of in an appropriate way.
- Lights and heating will be used in a way which limits the use of energy resources.
- The nursery will discuss environmental issues with the children and encourage them toassist in recycling and composting activities.
- The children will be encouraged by staff to value and protect the world around them, andto develop interest in the living world through activities involving nature and the animalworld.
Staff and parents/carers are reminded that the entire nursery is a smoke free
environment. For the health and safety of the children in our care, and that of our staff, thenursery grounds are a no smoking environment.
The nursery believes that outings can broaden and expand children’s day care experience. Inview of this our staff will plan and carry out trips on a regular basis. No child will leave theday care service without their Parent’s/Carer’s consent. Although attempts will always bemade to inform parents of local outings, however, we reserve the right to make the decisionto take the children on local vicinity outings.
Local vicinity outings – those outings undertaken to access local community amenities e.g.shops, library, and parks. The outing will be within easy walking distance of the day carefacility and will be done in small groups to avoid congestion of footpaths and amenities.
Special event outings – those outings which are planned in advance, and need to use publicor private transport. These outings may include visits to the farm, museum, theatre, and artgalleries.
Advance notice will be given to Parents/Carers of any special event outings. A consent formspecific to the outing will be issued to the parent/carer, and must be returned if a child is toattend the outing. They will be advised as to how their children will travel. Information willalso be gained as to timetables of transport in both directions. Parents/Carers will be invitedto accompany children on these outings whenever possible, as this adds to the occasion andoffers the children more support to enjoy the outing.A risk assessment of the proposed venue and means of travel will be carried out before anyouting to assess the suitability of the destination for the children to attend. Informationconcerning access, toilets, nappy changing areas, suitability of picnic areas, and coveredareas in case of rain will be taken into account.
For all outings:
- Staff with the correct ratio of children can undertake outings to the local area, when thetotal numbers in the group and abilities/ages of the individual children can allow this to bedone safely taking into account the nature of the trip. The staffing ratio for outings mustnever exceed one adult to four children
- The outing must be agreed with the senior member of staff present, including where youare going and how long you expect to be out.
- Before leaving on an outing, a member of staff should complete an outing form andensure a recent risk assessment form for that trip/mode of transport has been completedrecording:
- Parents should have completed consent forms including consent for outings, if this is notin the child’s file they must not be taken out.
- For outings involving public transport or private vehicles, Staff must advise parents priorto going out and receive a separate consent form which must be signed by the child’sparent/carer.
- Children are to be assigned to a member of staff (indicated on the form) prior to leavingthe building and staff should ensure the children remain with them throughout the outing.
- At least two members of staff must go on each trip, one of whom must hold a currentpaediatric first aid certificate.
- Drinking water and healthy snacks must be taken on all outings lasting longer than 30minutes.
- New staff taking children out for the first time should arrange to go with another memberof staff who knows the area and the safest routes.
- If a parent is accompanying on an outing, they must not be taken into account in theratios, although they can take their own child.
- Students must not be included in the Staff/Child ratios. However they can be used to helpon outings under the supervision of a staff member.
- Staff should carry wipes, two mobile phones, a photocopy of the outing form, a first aidkit, accident forms, spare clothing/nappies, any specific medication for an individual child(e.g. an epipen) and the contact details of each adult & child going on the outing.
- Make sure the children are suitably dressed for the weather and their comfort and thattheir ability to walk there and back is not over estimated.
- When appropriate staff should apply sun screen before going out and take cream and sunhats with them.
- Where used, children should be secured into buggies which will be checked for faultsbefore leaving the building.
- A harness or reins should be used when a child is not strapped into their buggy, or notholding an adult’s hand. Children holding onto buggies must also be secured to it with awrist strap.
- The older children should be reminded about road safety before the outing and goodpractice should be emphasised throughout the trip.
- On full day trips all children should wear ID with a contact telephone number, but not thechild’s name.
- Staff must take with them enough nappies to cover the length of the outing. Snacks,drinks and baby feeds should also be taken depending on the length of the outing and thesuitability of the destination to offer facilities for such activity.
- The trip leader must sign the outings form to confirm the details on it are correct.
- On departure a senior member of staff who is not going on the outing must make aHeadcount and sign the original outing form, on the group’s return they must do this againto confirm all the children are present.
- Wherever possible, two members of staff will take a child/ren to the toilet when it is notappropriate for all children to attend together. The staff member responsible for aParticular child should do nappy changes.
- Staff will use the first aid kit to attend to any minor bumps and cuts, but should use themobile phone to call for immediate support from the emergency services, nursery forserious accidents.
- A member of staff will accompany the child to hospital if possible, but this may not bepossible if this would leave other staff and children at risk.
- On being alerted of any accident needing medical attention, staff at the day care facilitymust contact the Parents/Carers of the child with details of the accident, and where thechild is being taken.
- If whilst out a child is separated from the group, the trip leader must inform the nurseryimmediately so they can inform the parent while the staff on the trip continue to look forthe child. Please see the nurseries lost child policy for more details.
- Before returning to the day care service premises, staff must check children’s names offthe record to ensure that all children are present.The nursery will always be fully insured for any form of transport used. Before children aretaken on a bus, coach, car, train, ferry or any other form of transport, a full risk assessmentwill be carried out, and any actions needed as a result of the assessment will be adhered to.
Where private coaches are hired, only companies offering seat belts on all seats will be used,and Parents/Carers will be asked to provide safety seats if necessary.
In order to ensure the safety of children on outings, small groups of children will be allocatedto a specific member of staff. The member of staff will be primarily responsible for theallocated children’s safety and whereabouts. Regular headcounts will be undertaken whilstchildren are on outings and safety measures used.
In the unlikely event of a child being lost on an outing, staff should remain calm. Themember of staff co-ordinating the outing should speak to the child’s allocated key worker onthe outing, and investigate when and where the child was last accounted for. Informationshould then be calmly sought from the group for any further information.
The main group including the co-ordinator should stay where they are and endeavour tomaintain a calm atmosphere for the other children.Staff should quickly retrace steps and look for the missing child, using other sources ofinformation/help (e.g. public address systems, security staff). The nursery should beinformed as more information is gained e.g. child is/is not found. The trip co-ordinatorshould inform the Early years Manager of the situation as soon as possible.In the event that the child is not found within 10 minutes, or if the circumstances appearsuspicious and all other procedures have been followed, the nursery manager will decide ifthe police should be called. The Early years Manager will telephone the parents and informthem of the situation and the details.
The Nursery’s Special Education Need Co-ordinator (SENCO) will support all staff in the identificationof any child who requires additional help in any takes lead responsibility for gatheringinformation and co-ordinating any child’s special educational provision, and all childrenhave a key person who is responsible for communication with parents/carers andmaintenance of up to date records of each child. Where appropriate, we will work with otherprofessionals (e.g. Speech Therapists) in order to meet the child’s needs.The code is based on the following principles that are intended to influence and guideplanning and action in providing for children with additional needs.
These are:-
- A child with additional needs should have their needs met and they and their family
- should be at the centre of the process of deciding how best to do this.
- The additional needs of children will normally be met in mainstream settings.
- Children with additional needs should be offered full access to a broad, balanced andrelevant education, including an appropriate curriculum for the foundation stage.
Children are considered to have additional needs if they have a physical or learning difficultywhich calls for special provision to be made for them. The nursery is committed to inclusion,which is based upon the desire to create a socially inclusive community: no child will bediscriminated against because of additional need or learning difficulty. Access to thepremises and curriculum is promoted to enable children with additional needs to participatefully in the life of the setting.Children will not be regarded as having additional needs solely because the language or form of language, used within their home is different from the language in which they will betaught
The SENCO has responsibility for co-ordinating the inclusion policy and practice, though allstaff should be familiar with and follow the practice as stated in the policy.
- Ensuring liaison with parents and other professionals in respect of children withadditional needs.
- Advising, supporting and helping to develop the knowledge of other practitioners inthe setting.
- Ensuring that appropriate Individual Education Plans are in place.
- Ensuring that relevant background information about individual children withadditional needs is collected, recorded and updated.
- The SENCO will take the lead in further assessment of the child’s particular strengthsand weaknesses, in planning future support for the child in discussion with colleagues,and in monitoring and subsequently reviewing the action taken.
- The SENCO will ensure that appropriate records are kept.
- The information collected should reveal the views of those concerned with the child,any immediate educational concerns and an overall picture of the child’s strengths andweaknesses.
This can lead to the following actions:
Support plans should be used to set out the interventions for individual pupils and shouldonly record key short-term targets and strategies that are different from or additional to thosein place for the rest of the group. The targets are likely to have a specified timescale that willbe dependent on the identified need. The support plan must be accessible and understandableto all concerned, and should be continually kept ‘under review’ on a regular basis by theSENCO with the parents/carer and appropriate staff.
These plans should:
- Be based on the child’s strengths and successes identified on the one page profile.
- These should underpin the targets set and the strategies used.
- Focus on Up to two or three key individual targets set to meet the individual pupil’sneeds and particular priorities.
- Have targets that relate to key areas in communication, aspects of behaviour, physicalskills, literacy and mathematics.
Targets should aim to be SMART:
Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time Bound
The wishes of parents/carers will be sought and taken into consideration regarding all aspectsof assessment, provision and intervention. All information gathered will be made available toparents/carers who will be informed in a sensitive way, and assured that confidentiality willbe observed at all times.The views of the child are to be sought and taken into consideration whenever possible. Thismay not necessarily be by speaking directly to the child, but by observing play andinteractions, also by informal ‘chats’ and listening to the child, i.e. during role play, throughsharing appropriate picture books and at various discussion times.Nursery rules will be simple, consistent and fair. This will provide a framework to assistchildren to understand the effects of their behaviour on their peers, themselves, and theirenvironment. Where possible the children will be encouraged to help set these.
Staff will not shout at children, intimidate or embarrass, nor will food ever be withheld orused as a bargaining tool. We believe physical punishment is NOT an acceptable means ofaddressing children’s behaviour, and the use of physical punishment (even if sanctioned by aparent) by a member of staff will immediately result in suspension and disciplinaryprocedures being implemented.
The Nursery acknowledges that until a child can communicate his/her feelings adequately,incidents may occur which may involve children hitting, biting, scratching, or another formof behaviour which causes injury to another child. If such an incident occurs, children will beencouraged (but not forced) to apologise to each other, and to acknowledge each other’sfeelings. It should be explained in a way that is appropriate to the child’s level ofdevelopment that it is not acceptable behaviour. Staff should acknowledge both children’sfeelings. The child who caused the injury may need to be comforted as well as the child whohas received the injury.
When a child has been displaying a pattern of this type of behaviour on a regular basis, thechild should be monitored closely by the staff team, in order that further incidents can beprevented.
The setting led by the SENCO will liaise with outside agencies and support services whenappropriate. If there is any question in regard the level of support required this will bereferred to the Early Years Inclusion Team.
The nursery recognises that it may have children attending the setting that are ‘Gifted andTalented’, these children will be given sufficient opportunities to use their abilities and be encouraged to excel. We will seek out necessary resources and training that may be requiredto enable them to have access to a broader curriculum to meet their needs.
Any child attending the nursery that is recognised as gifted and talented will have a supportplan put into place by the keyperson and EYIO. Information for this will be done with theparent/carer and, where possible, the child’s views will be sought. The child will be givenaccess to a broader, deeper and faster curriculum to allow him/her to fulfil their full potential.
The Nursery’s multicultural co-ordinator will educate their colleagues on new ways to valuethe variety of backgrounds not only within the Nursery but in the world that surrounds it. Allstaff will value the individuality of each child and support them in whatever way they can tohelp them fulfil their potential. The Nursery and its staff will continue to monitor, evaluateand review all its practices to ensure that it offers opportunity to everyone to express theirindividuality, succeed and contribute.We will make a commitment to seek out the necessary resources and training that may berequired and to endeavour to provide a care package tailored to each individual child. Wewill ensure that all children will be supported in their access to the curriculum.
Toys and equipment will reflect positive images from other cultures and backgrounds as wellas portray positive role models for both boys and girls. Books, posters, and displays willreflect positive images of gender role, race, age, religion, and those with additional needs.Children will be supported to express their emotions, experiment and enjoy through the playthey have initiated.
Individual languages, cultures, faith, and ethnicity will be accorded equal respect and value,and every effort will be made to offer appropriate care to children from families whereEnglish is a second language. The nursery will request a list of words from the first languagethat will help the child become familiar with the routine Children will never be stopped fromusing their home language, with staff working towards understanding words and phrases thechild uses most often. While the Nursery understands, and will support and respect whereappropriate, individual’s right to their own views, beliefs and value base, staff will upholdthe nursery’s equal opportunities policy at all times, and will challenge any actions orremarks from any source that is deemed discriminatory or stereotypical.It is not acceptable for anyone to ridicule of any aspect of a person’s identity. If amember of staff hears a child making a discriminatory remark, or observes themdisplaying discriminatory behaviour, they should act in the following way:
- Point out to the children when statements are untrue, and give correct information.
- Tell the child(ren) what is not acceptable behaviour, and explain why.
- Tell/show the child who has been discriminated against that they care about theirfeelings, and support the development of their self-esteem and self-awareness.
The Nursery will work in partnership with external agencies and individuals to the benefit ofchildren, parents and staff. We believe that “Joined up Working” gives the community andindividuals access to both professional and personal support that can only enhance their experience of childcare. The Nursery will endeavour to consult with any individual beforecommunicating with an outside agency about them.We will endeavour to forge links that would enable the childcare service not only to be usedfor childcare, but also for training, work experience placements, and for a vehicle for otherparties to access families.
When students attend the Nursery for training purposes the following procedure will apply:
- Guidance will be shown to students, which will include details of our dress code and code of behavior with our children
- The student will be shown round the Nursery by way of orientation
- The student will be advised on fire exits and procedure
- The student will be introduced to members of staff
- Students will not be left alone with children
- Students will not be permitted to open the door in case of visitors to the Nursery and Baby Unit
- Students should not use mobile phones or make/receive telephone calls during the working day
In particular, students will be instructed to:
- ensure that their clothes are at all times comfortable, neat and clean; and that clothing is appropriate for the Nursery environment (i.e. not too short, not too tight and not too revealing.
- no high heels are worn during the working day
- that jewelry is minimal (one pair of studs and wedding/engagement rings are considered to be acceptable)
- not chew or bring chewing gum into the Nursery
- be involved in whatever classroom they are in by helping the teacher either to prepare paper, paint, glue, art etc
- be shown the bathroom hygiene policy, including the relevant guidelines for maintaining hygiene and safety when changing nappies
- be shown the safety policy for each classroom
- be familiarized with the fire regulations
- be instructed as to how to the phone should be answered
- be instructed as to how to answer the door and ask people to wait on the doorstep until a permanent member of staff arrive to open it
From time to time Fabulous Tots Nursery takes photographs of the children. This is done during Nursery-run events taking place within the Nursery and/or for the observations and assessment that staff carry out on each child’s development. If parents/carers do not wish their child to be photographed they are asked to make this clear in writing to the Nursery Manager.
Parents/carers are at no time allowed to take other children’s photograph within the Nursery as per the Children’s Act and Child Protection Guidelines.
Regulations relating to Data Protection
Fabulous Tots Nursery has adopted a policy of compliance with Data Protection laws of the United Kingdom and takes reasonable care to prevent any unauthorised access to your personal data. By supplying us with information you confirm that you do not consider use of your information in accordance with this privacy statement to be a breach of any of your rights under the Telecommunications (Data Protection and Privacy) regulations 1999.
By entering information on forms or providing us with any personal information you are consenting to us processing that data for our business use and holding it on our server.
You should be aware that if the police request us or any regulatory or governmental authority investigating suspected unlawful activities to provide your personal details and/ or information concerning your activities whilst visiting this site, we shall do so.
How we keep your information secure
Fabulous Tots Nursery takes the security of your personal data very seriously, and all data is securely locked away accordingly.
Requesting information
If you want to know exactly what information Fabulous Tots Nursery holds in relation to you and your children, you can obtain this by letter to the Nursery Manager.
Updating of our Privacy Policy
This policy has been designed to meet the requirements of the Data Protection laws, and will be revised accordingly should these change at any time.
Statement of intent
Fabulous Tots Nursery works closely with the children and families in its care. It is our intention to respect the privacy of children and their parents and carers, whilst ensuring that they access high quality nursery care and education. It is very important that any information concerning the children and families is kept confidential at all time. At no time must staff discuss any Nursery matters outside the premises.
To ensure that all those using and working in the Nursery can do so with confidence, we respect confidentiality in the following ways:
- Parents have ready access to the files and records of their own children but do not have access to information about any other child
- Personal information about children about their families and staff is kept securely in a lockable cupboard
- Any concerns/evidence relating to the child’s personal safety are kept in a lockable cupboard and are shared with as few people as possible on a ‘need-to-know’ basis
- Staff will not discuss personal information given by parents with other members of staff, except where it affects planning for the child’s needs.
- Staff induction includes an awareness of the importance of confidentiality; and all members of staff are expected to update themselves with the confidentiality policy provided by the Nursery. Any member of staff found to be discussing a child or family outside the Nursery will be put through the disciplinary procedure.
- Issues to do with the employment of staff, whether paid or unpaid, remains confidential to the people directly involved with making personal decisions
Purpose of the Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that any complaints about the service are handled quickly, effectively and courteously and solutions are implemented which satisfy both the parent / carer and the setting.
Who is Responsible?
It is the responsibility of the manager to ensure that all nursery complaints are handled. However, senior staff have been trained in the procedure for handling the initial complaint, but management will investigate and deal with the complaint efficiently and effectively.
In the event of a parent / carer wanting to complain about a member of staff or incident at Fabulous Tots Day Nursery please follow the following guidelines.
Speak to a member of staff or directly to management / owners about the complaint giving as much information as possible. If it is discussed with a member of staff then they will report the complaint to the manager / owners and complete a complaints form immediately. The manager / owners will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 24 hours. The complaint will then be investigated and an action plan drawn up to address the issue. The action plan will be discussed with the complainant and agreed. This process will be recorded on the complaint form; all complaints will be resolved within 7 days of the complaint being made. Once made aware of the complaint the manager must record the complaint on the complaint log. This information is only available to owners / management.
If the parent / carer feel that they are unable to speak to a member of staff, then they can also send their complaint in writing to the manager / owners who will acknowledge the complaint within 24 hours and respond to it within 7 days of receipt of the letter. The Manager will inform the Local Authority Designated Officer and Ofsted about the complaint, If complaint relates to the manager or the customer feels that they are unable to address the complaint with one of the nursery owners or not Satisfied with how the complaint has been resolved, then please call OFSTED on 03001231231 OR send complaint in writing to the
address below;
Contact details:
Ofsted National Business Unit,
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD
To inform members how they should handle complaints effectively and swiftly.
Anyone making a complaint should be handled effectively and be seen as an opportunity to evaluate the practice of the setting and improve quality. If a complaint is received then it should be dealt with swiftly and in accordance with the complaints policy for the setting.
The member of staff who has received the complaint should complete a complaint form and give this to the manager / owners. Complaint forms are available in the complaints file in each of the play rooms, completed forms will be kept in manager’s office.
The manager will acknowledge receipt of the complaint form within 24 hours, log the complaint in the complaint log and investigate the matter; at this stage it may be appropriate to contact the parent / carer to gather further information, all correspondence will be recorded with the complaint form.
All complaints are discussed with all relevant staff, the issue is discussed and corrective action agreed, a date by which the action should be taken is also agreed. This in recorded on the complaint form and then discussed with the parent / carer, this information is also issued in writing.
If the action has not been taken by the date agreed the manager should address the issue and identify why the action has not been taken, this should be recorded in writing and issued to the parent / carer.
When the corrective action has been completed and the complaint has been resolved the parent / carer will be sent a complaint resolved letter within 7 days.
Parents have a very important place and role in the life of the Nursery.
They are the first educators of their young children, and the Nursery aims to support their valuable and essential work. The importance of continuity between home and the Nursery cannot be over-stressed. Our aim is to develop an honest, open and supportive relationship with you which complements life in your home rather than contradicts it. We are very aware of our influence as a role model for your child and without your extensive knowledge of your child we would be unable to enhance your child’s development. Nursery staff are always available to discuss your child and their development.
The nursery requests that each child is provided with a complete change of clothes. It is an essential component of educative play that children are able to enjoy art and craft activities with, for example, glue, paste, paint, sand, water, etc. Inevitably children will transfer some of these materials to themselves and their clothing. We attempt as far as possible to purchase glue, paste and paint which are “washable”, but in practice not everything is washable off all clothing materials. Parents should therefore dress their children with this in mind. Fabulous Tots Nursery will accept no liability for clothing damaged while the child is at the nursery.
The fees are set at differential rates for babies, toddlers and children over three in order to reflect variation in the costs of providing care for these different age groups. Places taken by children of people external to Fabulous Tots Nursery are charged premium over Fabulous Tots Nursery rates. The fees are set to try and ensure that the nursery covers its costs. During the settling in week, you will be charged for the Thursday and Friday as your child will remain in the nursery for a full day, taking advantage of our lunch and naptime services.
Fees are payable monthly in advance. Parents/carers paying their fees by cheque are required to write the invoice number on the back of their cheque and attach this to the remittance advice before handing both to nursery staff. Fees are payable in cases of absence and there is no reduction for sickness or holidays taken during any week the nursery is open. If a child has to leave in exceptional circumstances, four weeks written notice must be given to the manager.
During the settling in week, you will not be charged for the as your child will remain in the nursery for a 2/3 hours, settling in hours can be arranged in the morning or afternoon.
If requests for admission exceed the number of places available you will be placed on a waiting list if a suitable place is not immediately available. During your time on the waiting list you will be contacted from time to time to determine whether you are still interested in a place and also to give you some indication of when a place is likely to become available. However, you are also encouraged to contact the Nursery Management (Email manager@fabuloustots.co.uk, Tel: 0208 001 3379) to ascertain the latest position regarding occupancy. It is essential to the efficient running of the nursery and to other prospective parents/carers that you notify the nursery immediately should you make alternative childcare arrangements and no longer require a place.
Once the nursery is aware that a place is going to become available, the parents/carers at the top of the list with a child of the correct age for the vacancy (3 months -2 years or2 years – 5 years) will be offered that place. Usually this will be some weeks or months in advance of the place becoming available. On most occasions the place is accepted, but in instances where the place is not taken up, it is offered to the next parent/carer on the list with a child of the appropriate age for the vacancy.
Places are offered on the following basis:
- Priority is given to those intending to use the nursery on a full-time basis.
- Priority is given to parents/carers who already have one child registered at the nursery.
- Two part-time places will be available solely to staff or students whose Fabulous Tots Nursery status is part-time.
- Full-time places may be offered temporarily on a part-time basis to new part-time applicants should there be no suitable parent/carer on the waiting list to take the place on a full-time basis.
- Similarly, part-time places may be offered temporarily to new parents/carers wishing full-time care should there be no parents/carers on the waiting list for a part-time place.
In cases (IV) and (v), such offers are dependent on no parents/carers applying to the nursery who are more suitable for that place. Should this happen, then the parents/carers of the child occupying a full-time place on a part-time basis will be given the option of taking the place on a full-time basis or, should they not wish to do so, will be given a minimum of four weeks’ notice. The parents/carers of a child occupying a part-time place on a full-time basis will be given a minimum of four weeks’ notice.
Should the parent/carer of a child occupying a full-time place wish to move to part-time, this will only be permitted should the parent be changing to a part-time School status and on condition that a part-time place is available.
Parents/carers who take up part-time places are required to provide precise information of the days when they wish to bring their child to the nursery.
Once a child has been allocated a place on an agreed basis, it is expected that parents/carers will adhere to these arrangements. Failure to do so may result in termination of the contract. The allocation of a place must continue normally through the vacation on the same basis as during term time.
Nursery places will not normally be held open for sabbatical, research or any other leave of absence.
This may occur when:
- The child has reached the age limit.
- Failure to register for five days without contact or prior notification.
- If, despite best efforts, a child fails to settle, the contract may be terminated with immediate effect at the sole discretion of the Nursery administrator/manager.
- Parents/carers wishing to terminate their registration must give four weeks’ notice in writing (email) to the Nursery administrator manager@fabuloustots.co.uk
- If a Parent wants to reduce the number of days attended 4 week notice is also required by the Nursery.
- Parents are not permitted to reduce the number of days they attend the Nursery during the school holiday/vacation period or any other holiday they wish to take
Fabulous Tots Nursery will
- Implement an open door policy for all parents
- Make all new parents aware of the Nursery’s system and policies and where necessary, translate the policies into the languages spoken in the community or arrange for an interpreter to explain our policies
- Hold meetings in venues which are accessible and appropriate for all and to consult with families about the times of meetings before hand to avoid excluding anyone.
- Arrange 6 monthly parents meetings with parents to discuss their child’s progress.
- Provide opportunities for parents to learn about the curriculum and their children’s learning in the Nursery and at home.
- Ensure that parents are informed regularly about their child’s progress and that any concerns about a child’s progress discussed compassionately and sensitively with parents/carers but at the same time giving all children the support they need to develop their full potential
- Welcome contributions from parents in everyday Nursery life e.g. opportunities to contribute their skills and knowledge within the Nursery.
- Involve parents in shared recordkeeping about their own child, either formally or informally.
- Arrange meetings with parents and key persons when a child moves from room to room to ensure smooth transition, with regular visits prior to the move.
- Provide a written report when a child moves onto school or to another early years setting.
- Encourage a parent’s support group that will share experiences with one another and offer mutual support.
- Ensure that all parents are fully informed about meetings, conferences, workshops and training.
- Make all parents aware of the system for registering suggestions queries or complaints
- Distribute regular parents questionnaires
- Treat all parents with respect
All staff at Fabulous Tots Nursery undergoes a thorough vetting procedure which includes references and identity checks, suitable qualification checks, DBS clearance and undertake a probation period to assess their suitability and regular reviews of their progress and performance.
We also ensure that our staff:
- Are experienced in childcare and have a calm and understanding nature.
- Are DBS checked
- Have appropriate and recognise childcare qualifications (i.e. NVQ 2/3 BTEC, CACHE DIPLOMA, HNC, Degree, Eyp etc.).
- Have first aid and safe guarding training
- Food Hygiene certificates.
- Some of our staff are being trained towards their level 3.
Children, young people and their carers are entitled to a personal and confidential service.
It is a legal requirement for the Nursery to hold information pertaining to the health and welfare of the children in their care and the staff. This information will be given by the child’s parent/carer and will be available to Nursery staff only.
Basic information is used to registers, invoices and for emergency contacts, however all records will be stored in a safe place. All staff are aware that this information is confidential and only for use within the nursery setting. If any of this information is requested for whatever reason, the parent’s permission will always be sought. Information received in confidence, will not be disclosed to children, parents/carers or other persons.
The only exception to this is where a child is considered to be ‘at risk’; our child protection policy will override confidentiality. It then becomes the responsibility of the Nursery staff to ensure the safety of the child by referring the information to the appropriate agencies.Any concerns about a child attending the Nursery should be discussed in the first instance with the child’s key person who will treat the situation with sensitivity and confidentiality. The Nursery staff will not discuss the personal details of any child or carer with other group users.
Staff will sign this document during their induction to show that they will abide by the terms of the confidentiality policy.
Name ………………………………………………….
Signed ………………………………………………..
Date …………………………………………………
A key person has special responsibility for a small group of children. Parents/carers and children should know the name of their key person from the beginning of their involvement with the group.
Main Duties
- To care for the child
- To assist the child to settle into the group by:
- Introducing the child to the group
- Talking with the parents/ carers
- Keeping a watchful eye on the child in the first few sessions
- Assisting the child to integrates into the group as necessary
- To provide for the emotional needs of the child E.g. to comfort and reassure the child at any time.
- To ensure that planned activities meet the needs of individual children, taking into account each child’s race, culture, religion, language, ability and family values by:
- Observing and keeping records of the child’s progress
- Liaising with parents/carers and encouraging them to contribute and participate.
- To communicate with parents/carers, informing them their child’s activities (including the child’s sleeping and eating patterns), and being available especially at the beginning or at the of each session to answer questions/queries.
- To liaise with parents/carers and other professionals as necessary i.e. health visitors, social workers, speech therapists etc. Confidentiality must be respected at all times.
It is important to recognise that a key person does not
- Shadow the child through-out the session
- Liaise only with the key group of children
- Prevent other adults from developing a relationship with key children
In some circumstances, it will be necessary to bring in the Early Years Department within Greenwich Council, who have a duty to ensure that laid down requirements are adhered to. Either the parent or Nursery Manager can refer to them for advice if necessary.
They would be involved if a child appeared to be at risk or where there seemed to be a breach of registration requirements. In these cases both the parents and Nursery would be informed of the complaints process and the unit would ensure a proper investigation of the complaints followed by the appropriate action.
We believe that mot complaint are made constructively and can be sorted out at an early stage. We also believe that it is in the best interest of the Nursery and parents, that complaints should be taken seriously and dealt with fairly and in the way which respects confidentiality.
The role of Ofsted
If you wish to tell Ofsted about a day care provider, call the Ofsted helpline on 0300 123 4666 (8.00 am – 6.00pm) or alternately you can write to:
Ofsted Early Years
Ofsted National Business Unit
Royal Exchange Building
St Anne’s Square
M2 7LA
Useful Telephone numbers
MASH | 020 8291 3172 |
Social Care and Safeguarding emergency duty team | 020 8854 8888 |
Inter-agency referral form | 020 8856 9932 ext: 204 |
NSPCC | 0808 800 5000 |
ChildLine | 0800 1111 |
Police Child Protection Team, Erith | 020 8284 9347 |
Greenwich Police Station | 020 8855 1212 |
Ofsted | 0300 123 1231 |
Samaritans | 08457 90 90 90 |
Parent line | 0808 800 2222 |
Greenwich Safeguarding Board | 020 8854 2226 |
As providers of childcare and early years learning for under 5’s, we are always seeking to improve, evaluate and build on the service we offer to ensure that we are meeting the needs of children, parents and families. We would appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire. Your comments and observation are extremely valuable to us and will enable us to closely monitor, evaluate and improve the services we offer.
- How long has your child been at Nursery? (please tick)
0-6 months | |
6 months-1 year | |
1 year-2 years | |
2 years-3 years | |
3 years plus |
- What age group does your child fall?
0-2 | |
2-3 | |
3-5 |
How was your child introduced to the Nursery?
Did you have a home visit? Yes / No
If yes did you find this beneficial for you and your child? Yes / No
Was your child offered settling in session? Yes / No
Were you introduced to your child’s key person? Yes / No
Once your child started at the Victory Day Nursery, did you remain with Him or her for
A | Part of the first session | |
B | The first session | |
C | A number of session | |
- How quickly did your child settled into Nursery life?
A | Immediately at ease and showed no signs of distress | |
B | Showed concern/distress when left by parent for first 1-3 days | |
C | Showed concern/distress when left by parent for first 4-5 days | |
D | Had difficulty and showed distress for more than the first weeks attendance
If your child had difficulty settling into Nursery life, please comment on the staff’s approach towards your child and help and support you both received during this time.
Were you satisfied with the Nursery’s approach to introducing and settling in your child? Was there anything else we could have done to help your child settling into Nursery life?
- We would welcome your comment on the following point. Would you please give a grade for the quality of service you believe we provide in each area
(Please grade between 1-5, 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest)
Comments | Grade | |
A | The standard of care
B | The standard of education
C | The caliber of staff
D | The safety standards within the building
E | The security of the building
F | The outside play area and equipment
G | The standard of catering
- Were you sufficiently informed about your child and his/her time at the Nursery?
Yes | |
No | |
Sometimes |
- Were you satisfied with the play/activity timetable for your child?
Yes | |||||||
No | |||||||
Was there anything you would have liked your child to participate in whilst he/she was attending that he/she was unable to do?
If yes, what did you think of the reports (please comment)
If no, how would you have liked to be more involved?
Yes / No
If yes, what positive elements would you recommend?
If no, what else could be included and have you got any suggestion for improvement?
Child’s name ………………………………………………………………….
Signature ……………………………………………………………………………
Date ……………………………………………………………………………
Once completed, please return this form in the envelope provided. You may of course, remain anonymous if you so wish.
Thank you for taking the time for completing this questionnaire.
This policy was adopted on | Signed on behalf of the nursery | Date for review |
JUNE 2016 | F.AKEWUSHOLA | JUNE 2018 |